HLT-45-08-00018-E Payment for FQHC Psychotherapy and Offsite Services  

  • 2/25/09 N.Y. St. Reg. HLT-45-08-00018-E
    February 25, 2009
    I.D No. HLT-45-08-00018-E
    Filing No. 131
    Filing Date. Feb. 06, 2009
    Effective Date. Feb. 06, 2009
    Payment for FQHC Psychotherapy and Offsite Services
    PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE State Administrative Procedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
    Action taken:
    Amendment of section 86-4.9 of Title 10 NYCRR.
    Statutory authority:
    Public Health Law, section 201.1(v)
    Finding of necessity for emergency rule:
    Preservation of general welfare.
    Specific reasons underlying the finding of necessity:
    The amendment to 10 NYCRR 86-4.9 will permit Medicaid billing for individual psychotherapy services provided by certified social workers in Article 28 Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). In conjunction with this change, DOH is also amending regulations to prohibit Article 28 clinics from billing for group visits and to prohibit such services from being provided by part-time clinics.
    Based upon the Department's interpretation of 10 NYCRR 86-4.9(c), social work services have not been considered billable threshold visits in Article 28 clinic settings despite the fact that certified social workers have been an integral part of the mental health delivery system in community health centers. New federal statute and regulation require States to provide and pay for each FQHC's baseline costs, which include costs which are reasonable and related to the cost of furnishing such services. Reimbursement for individual psychotherapy services provided by certified social workers in the FQHC setting is specifically mandated by federal law. Failure to comply with these mandates could lead to federal sanctions and the loss of federal dollars. Additionally, allowing Medicaid reimbursement for clinical social worker services is expected to increase access to needed mental health services.
    Payment for FQHC Psychotherapy and Offsite Services.
    Permit psychotherapy by certified social workers as a billable service under certain circumstances.
    Text of emergency rule:
    Section 86-4.9 is amended to read as follows:
    86-4.9 Units of service. (a) The unit of service used to establish rates of payment shall be the threshold visit, except for dialysis, abortion, sterilization services and free-standing ambulatory surgery, for which rates of payment shall be established for each procedure. For methadone maintenance treatment services, the rate of payment shall be established on a fixed weekly basis per recipient.
    (b) A threshold visit, including all part-time clinic visits, shall occur each time a patient crosses the threshold of a facility to receive medical care without regard to the number of services provided during that visit. Only one threshold visit per patient per day shall be allowable for reimbursement purposes, except for transfusion services to hemophiliacs, in which case each transfusion visit shall constitute an allowable threshold visit.
    (c) Offsite services and group services, (except in relation to Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) clinics, as defined in subdivision (h) of this section), visits related to the provision of offsite services, visits for ordered ambulatory services, and patient visits solely for the purpose of the following services shall not constitute threshold visits: pharmacy, nutrition, medical social services with the exception of clinical social services in FQHC clinics as defined in subdivision (g) of this section, respiratory therapy, recreation therapy. Offsite services are medical services provided by a facility's clinic staff at locations other than those operated by and under the licensure of the facility.
    (d) A procedure shall include the total service, including the initial visit, preparatory visits, the actual procedure and follow-up visits related to the procedure. All visits related to a procedure, regardless of number, shall be part of one procedure and shall not be reported as a threshold visit.
    (e) Rates for separate components of a procedure may be established when patients are unable to utilize all of the services covered by a procedure rate. No separate component rates shall be established unless the facility includes in its annual financial and statistical reports the statistical and cost apportionments necessary to determine the component rates.
    (f) Ordered ambulatory services may be covered and reimbursed on a fee for service basis in accordance with the State medical fee schedule. Ordered ambulatory services are specific services provided to nonregistered clinic patients at the facility, upon the order and referral of a physician, physician's assistant, dentist or podiatrist who is not employed by or under contract with the clinic, to test, diagnose or treat the patient. Ordered ambulatory services include laboratory services, diagnostic radiology services, pharmacy services, ultrasound services, rehabilitation therapy, diagnostic services and psychological evaluation services.
    (g) For purposes of this section clinical social services are defined as individual psychotherapy services provided in a Federally Qualified Health Center, by a licensed clinical social worker or by a licensed master social worker who is working in a clinic under qualifying supervision in pursuit of licensed clinical social worker status by the New York State Education Department.
    (h) Clinical group psychotherapy services provided in a Federally Qualified Health Center, are defined as services performed by a clinician qualified as in subdivision (g) of this section, or by a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist to groups of patients ranging in size from two to eight patients. Clinical group psychotherapy shall not include case management services. Reimbursement for these services shall be made on the basis of a FQHC group rate which will be calculated by the Department for this specific purpose, payable for each individual up to the limits set forth herein, using elements of the Relative Based Relative Value System (RBRVS) promulgated by the Centers For Medicare And Medicaid Services (CMS), and approved by the State Division of Budget. Psychotherapy, including clinical social services and clinical group psychotherapy services, may not exceed 15 percent of a clinic's total annual threshold visits.
    (i) Federally Qualified Health Centers will be reimbursed for the provision of offsite primary care services to existing FQHC patients in need of professional services available at the FQHC, but, due to the individual's medical condition, is unable to receive the services on the premises of the center.
    (1) FQHC offsite services must:
    (i) consist of services normally rendered at the FQHC site.
    (ii) be rendered to an FQHC patient with a pre-existing relationship with the FQHC (i.e., the patient was previously registered as a patient with the FQHC) in order to allow the FQHC to render continuous care when their patient is too ill to receive on-site services, and only to patients expected to recover and return to become an on-site patient again. Off-site services may not be billed for patients whose health status is expected to permanently preclude return to on-site status.
    (iii) be rendered only for the duration of the limiting illness, with the intent that the patient return to regular treatment as an on-site patient as soon as their medical condition allows.
    (iv) be an individual medical service rendered to an FQHC patient by a physician, physician assistant, midwife or nurse practitioner.
    (v) not be rendered in a nursing facility or long term care facility, to any patient expected to remain a patient in that facility or at that level of care.
    (vi) not be billed in conjunction with any other professional fee for that service, or on the same day as a threshold visit.
    (2) Reimbursement for these services shall be made on the basis of an FQHC offsite professional rate, which will be calculated by the Department using elements of the Relative Based Relative Value System (RBRVS) promulgated by the Centers For Medicare And Medicaid Services (CMS) and approved by the State Division of Budget.
    This notice is intended
    to serve only as a notice of emergency adoption. This agency intends to adopt the provisions of this emergency rule as a permanent rule, having previously submitted to the Department of State a notice of proposed rule making, I.D. No. HLT-45-08-00018-P, Issue of November 5, 2008. The emergency rule will expire April 6, 2009.
    Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained from:
    Katherine Ceroalo, DOH, Bureau of House Counsel, Reg. Affairs Unit, Room 2438, ESP Tower Building, Albany, NY 12237, (518) 473-7488, email: regsqna@health.state.ny.us
    Regulatory Impact Statement
    Statutory Authority:
    The authority for the promulgation of these regulations is contained in section 2803(2)(a) of the Public Health Law which authorizes the State Hospital Review and Planning Council to adopt and amend rules and regulations, subject to the approval of the Commissioner. Section 702 of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act (BIPA) of 2000 made changes to the Social Security Act affecting how prices are set for Federally Qualified Health Centers and rural health centers. Section 1902(a)(10) of the federal Social Security Act (42 USC 1396a(a)(10)) and 1905(a)(2) of the Social Security Act (42 USC 1396d(a)(2)) require the State to cover the services of Federally Qualified Health Centers. Additionally, section 1861(aa) of the Social Security Act (42 USC 1395x(aa)) defines the services that a Federally Qualified Health Center provides, including the services of a clinical social worker.
    Legislative Objective:
    The regulatory objective of this authority is to bring the State into compliance with Federal Law regarding payments to Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). Based on the Federal Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act (BIPA) of 2000 we will allow payments for group psychotherapy provided by social workers and limited off-site services at special rates developed for these services. Individual psychotherapy remains allowed at the threshold visit rate.
    This amendment will allow individual psychotherapy by licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs) as a billable visit in FQHCs under the following circumstances:
    • Services are provided by a licensed clinical social worker or by a licensed master social worker who is working in a clinic under qualifying supervision in pursuit of licensed clinical social worker status.
    • Psychotherapy services only will be permitted, not case management and related services.
    Group psychotherapy as a clinical social service will be allowed in FQHCs in accordance with the following:
    • Services are provided to a group of patients by a licensed clinical social worker, or by a licensed master social worker who is working in a clinic under qualifying supervision in pursuit of licensed clinical social worker status or a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist.
    • Payment will be made on the basis of a FQHC group rate.
    • Payment will only be made for services that occur in FQHCs.
    Payment for individual or group psychotherapy will not be allowed for services rendered off-site.
    Both individual and group psychotherapy in FQHCs is limited to a total of 15 percent of all billings.
    Off-site primary care services by FQHCs will be reimbursable under the following provisions:
    • Individuals given care must be existing FQHC patients who are temporarily unable to receive services on-site due to their medical condition but are expected to return to the FQHC as an on-site patient.
    • Services must be rendered by a physician, physician assistant, midwife or nurse practitioner and reimbursed at the FQHC offsite professional rate.
    • Services are not billable with any other professional fee for that service or on the same day as a threshold visit.
    Needs and Benefits:
    Recent Federal changes related to Medicaid reimbursement for FQHCs mandate that group psychotherapy services provided by a social worker and off-site primary care services be considered a billable service.
    This approach will ensure access to social work services in the most underserved areas and increase consistency with the policies of other state agencies.
    Costs for the Implementation of, and Continuing Compliance with this Regulation to Regulated Entity:
    We estimate this change will increase Medicaid costs by about 7.4 million dollars gross, annually. Of this amount, about 1.2 million dollars is attributable to allowing FQHCs to bill for limited off-site visits. 6.2 million dollars is attributable to allowing FQHCs to bill for group therapy services. These changes are being made in order to comply with Federal requirements.
    Pricing & Volume Data Cost Estimates
    Offsite VisitsOffsite Visits
    Subsequent Hospital Care$62.73$55.19$58.96$1,117,212
    Psychotherapy ServicesGroup Therapy
    Group Psychotherapy$34.86$30.81$32.84$6,222,733
    2004 FQHC Visit Volume1,894,864
    Volume Increase Assumptions$7,339,945
    Group Therapy Increase = 10% Increase
    2004 FQHC Volume
    Off-site Visit Increase = 1% Increase
    Over 2004 FQHC Volume
    Cost to the Department of Health:
    This represents a permanent filing of regulations already in effect. There will be no additional costs to the Department.
    Local Government Mandates:
    This amendment will not impose any program service, duty or responsibility upon any county, city, town, village school district, fire district or other special district.
    This amendment will increase the paperwork for providers only to the extent that providers will bill for social work services.
    This regulation does not duplicate, overlap or conflict with any other state or federal law or regulations.
    Recent changes to federal law make it clear that states must reimburse FQHCs under Medicaid for off-site primary care services and the services of certified social workers for both individual and group psychotherapy. In light of this federal requirement, no alternatives were considered.
    Federal Standards:
    This amendment does not exceed any minimum standards of the federal government for the same or similar subject areas.
    Compliance Schedule:
    The proposed amendment will become effective upon filing with the Secretary of State.
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
    Effect on Small Businesses and Local Governments:
    No impact on small businesses or local governments is expected.
    Compliance Requirements:
    This amendment does not impose new reporting, record keeping or other compliance requirements on small businesses or local governments.
    Professional Services:
    No new professional services are required as a result of this proposed action. These changes will bring our regulations into compliance with the State Education Department's (SED) new standards for social worker licensure.
    Compliance Costs:
    This amendment does not impose new reporting, recordkeeping or other compliance requirements on small businesses or local governments.
    Economic & Technological Feasibility:
    DOH staff has had conversations with the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), UCP, and CHCANYS concerning the interpretation of the current regulation as well as proposed changes to the existing regulation. Although some systems changes will be necessary to ensure that payment is made only to FQHCs, the proposed regulation will not change the way providers bill for services, and thus there should be no concern about technical difficulties associated with compliance.
    Minimizing Adverse Impact:
    There is no adverse impact.
    Opportunity for Small Business Participation:
    Participation is open to any FQHC that is certified under Article 28 of the Public Health Law, regardless of size, to provide individual psychotherapy services by certified social workers. Any FQHC, regardless of size, may participate in providing off-site primary care services as well as on-site group psychotherapy services by certified social workers, a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist.
    Rural Area Flexibility Analysis
    Types and Estimated Number of Rural Areas:
    This rule will apply to all Article 28 clinic sites in New York that have been designated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as Federally Qualified Health Centers. These businesses are located in rural, as well as suburban and metropolitan areas of the State.
    Reporting, Recordkeeping and Other Compliance Requirements and Professional Services:
    No new reporting, recordkeeping or other compliance requirements and professional are needed in a rural area to comply with the proposed rule.
    Compliance Costs:
    There are no direct costs associated with compliance.
    Minimizing Adverse Impact:
    There is no adverse impact.
    Opportunity for Rural Area Participation:
    The Department has had conversations with the National Association of Social Workers Association (NASW), UCP, and CHCANYS to discuss Medicaid reimbursement for social work services and the impact of this new rule on their constituents. These groups and associations represent social workers and clinic providers from across the State, including rural areas.
    Job Impact Statement
    Nature of Impact:
    It is not anticipated that there will be any impact of this rule on jobs or employment opportunities.
    Categories and Numbers Affected:
    There are almost 1000 Article 28 clinics of which approximately 58 are FQHCs, FQHC look-alikes, and rural health clinics.
    Regions of Adverse Impact:
    This rule will affect all regions within the State and businesses out of New York State that are enrolled in the Medicaid Program as an Article 28 clinic and that has been designated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)as a Federally Qualified Health Center.
    Minimizing Adverse Impact:
    The Department is required by federal rules to reimburse FQHCs for the provision of primary care services, including clinical social work services, based upon the Center's reasonable costs for delivering covered services.
    Self-Employment Opportunities:
    The rule is expected to have no impact on self-employment opportunities since the change affects only services provided in a clinic setting.
    Assessment of Public Comment
    The agency received no public comment since publication of the last assessment of public comment.

Document Information

Effective Date:
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