- 3/24/10 N.Y. St. Reg. PSCNEW YORK STATE REGISTERVOLUME XXXII, ISSUE 12March 24, 2010NOTICE OF WITHDRAWALPURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE State Administrative Procedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following actions:The following rule makings have been withdrawn from consideration:I.D. No.Publication Date of ProposalPSC-10-04-00009-PMarch 10, 2004PSC-52-06-00013-PDecember, 27, 2006PSC-01-08-00024-PJanuary 2, 2008PSC-11-08-00010-PMarch 12, 2008PSC-22-08-00005-PMay 28, 2008PSC-28-08-00007-PJuly 9, 2008PSC-35-08-00015-PAugust 27, 2008PSC-36-08-00021-PSeptember 3, 2008PSC-42-08-00012-POctober 15, 2008PSC-50-09-00004-PDecember 16, 2009PSC-50-09-00006-PDecember 16, 2009