- 4/2/08 N.Y. St. Reg. PSCNEW YORK STATE REGISTERVOLUME XXX, ISSUE 14April 02, 2008NOTICE OF WITHDRAWALPURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE State Administrative Procedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following actions:The following rule makings have been withdrawn from consideration:I.D. No.Publication Date of ProposalPSC-34-06-00011-WAugust 23, 2006PSC-34-06-00012-WAugust 23, 2006PSC-09-07-00016-WFebruary 28, 2007PSC-21-07-00008-WMay 23, 2007PSC-24-07-00013-WJune 13, 2007PSC-33-07-00006-WAugust 15, 2007PSC-37-07-00007-WSeptember 12, 2007PSC-39-07-00016-WSeptember 26, 2007PSC-40-07-00008-WOctober 3, 2007