DOS-04-15-00004-E Orders to Remedy Violation(s) of the Uniform Code Issued Under Article 18 of the Executive Law  

  • 4/29/15 N.Y. St. Reg. DOS-04-15-00004-E
    April 29, 2015
    I.D No. DOS-04-15-00004-E
    Filing No. 267
    Filing Date. Apr. 10, 2015
    Effective Date. Apr. 10, 2015
    Orders to Remedy Violation(s) of the Uniform Code Issued Under Article 18 of the Executive Law
    PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE State Administrative Procedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
    Action taken:
    Amendment of section 1203.1; and addition of section 1203.5 to Title 19 NYCRR.
    Statutory authority:
    Executive Law, sections 381(1) and 382(2)
    Finding of necessity for emergency rule:
    Preservation of public safety and general welfare.
    Specific reasons underlying the finding of necessity:
    This rule is adopted as an emergency measure for the preservation of the public safety and general welfare.
    Executive Law § 381(1) directs the Secretary of State to promulgate rules and regulations for the administration of the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (Uniform Code).
    Executive Law § 382(2) provides, in pertinent part, that “any person, having been served, either personally or by registered or certified mail, with an order to remedy any condition found to exist in, on, or about any building in violation of the [Uniform Code], who shall fail to comply with such order within the time fixed by the regulations promulgated by the Secretary of State pursuant to [Executive Law § 381(1)], such time period stated in the order, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day of violation, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both.”
    Prior to the initial emergency adoption of this rule, the regulations adopted by the Department of State pursuant to Executive Law § 381(1) have never "fixed" a time within which a person served with an order to remedy must comply with that order. In most cases, the local government that issues an order to remedy determines a “reasonable time” within which compliance with the order would be required.
    This rule adds a new section 1203.5 to 19 NYCRR Part 1203. New section 1203.5 fixes the time within which compliance with an order to remedy any condition found to exist in, on, or about any building in violation of the Uniform Code at thirty (30) days following the date of the order.
    The initial adoption of this rule on an emergency basis was necessary in light of the recent decision issued by the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Term, Second Department, 9th and 10th Judicial Districts, in People v. Plateau Associates, LLC. The Court held that in the absence of a Department of State regulation fixing the time within which compliance with an order to remedy is required, a party served with such an order could not be charged under Executive Law § 382(2) for failure to comply with such order within the time fixed by regulation for such compliance. The Court rejected the argument that the local government that issued the order to remedy should be permitted to determine the “reasonable time” within which compliance with the order to remedy would be required.
    The Plateau Associates Decision may result in local courts deciding not to subject a person who is served with an order to remedy, and who fails to comply within the time specified in such order, to the penalties contemplated by Executive Law § 382(2). This could seriously jeopardize the effectiveness of orders to remedy, and limit the ability of local governments to enforce the Uniform Code.
    The Department of State found that the initial emergency adoption of this rule was necessary for the preservation of the general welfare and public safety because the absence of a regulation fixing the time within which full compliance with an order to remedy is required may, under the precedent established by the Plateau Associates decision, cause courts to refuse to impose the penalties contemplated by Executive Law § 382(2). This, in turn, would seriously diminish the effectiveness of orders to remedy, resulting in inadequate enforcement of the Uniform Code, thereby potentially subjecting the people of this State to the real and present dangers to public health and safety posed by fire, as identified by the State Legislature in Executive Law § 371(1)(d). The initial adoption of this rule on an emergency basis was necessary to halt such undesirable result at the earliest possible date.
    The initial emergency adoption of this rule will expire on April 12, 2015. The Department of State finds that re-adoption of this rule on an emergency basis is necessary for the preservation of the general welfare and public safety because allowing this rule to expire would cause there to be no regulation fixing the time for compliance with an order to remedy, which, under the precedent established by the Plateau Associates decision, may cause courts to refuse to impose the penalties contemplated by Executive Law § 382(2).
    Orders to remedy violation(s) of the Uniform Code issued under Article 18 of the Executive Law.
    To fix the time to comply with an order to remedy violation(s) of the Uniform Code.
    Text of emergency rule:
    1. Section 1203.1 of Part 1203 of Title 19 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York is amended to read as follows:
    1203.1 Introduction.
    Section 381 of the Executive Law directs the Secretary of State to promulgate rules and regulations for administration of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (Uniform Code) and the State Energy Conservation Construction Code (Energy Code). These rules and regulations are to address the nature and quality of enforcement and are the subject of this Part.
    2. Part 1203 of Title 19 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York is amended by adding a new section 1203.5 to read as follows:
    1203.5 Compliance with an order to remedy.
    (a) Section 381 of the Executive Law provides for the administration and enforcement of the Uniform Code and authorizes the promulgation of this Part to establish minimum standards for such administration and enforcement. In addition, subdivision 2 of section 382 of the Executive Law provides, in part, that any person, having been served, either personally or by registered or certified mail, with an order to remedy any condition found to exist in, on, or about any building in violation of the Uniform Code, who shall fail to comply with such order within the time fixed by the regulations promulgated by the Secretary of State pursuant to subdivision 1 of section 381 of the Executive Law, such time period to be stated in the order, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day of violation, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. For the purposes of subdivision 2 of section 382 of the Executive Law, the time within which compliance with an order to remedy is required is hereby fixed at thirty (30) days following the date of the order to remedy.
    (b) When a city, village, town, or county, charged under subdivision 2 of section 381 of the Executive Law with administration and enforcement of the Uniform Code, or a state agency accountable under subdivision (d) of section 1201.2 of this Title for administration and enforcement of the Uniform Code, or the Secretary of State acting under Part 1202 of this Title, issues an order to remedy any condition found to exist in, on, or about any building in violation of the Uniform Code, such order to remedy shall set forth the date of the order, the date by which compliance must be completed, and shall include a statement substantially similar to the following:
    “NOTICE: Full compliance with this order to remedy is required by _____ [specify date], which is thirty (30) days after the date of this order. If the person or entity served with this order to remedy fails to comply in full with this order to remedy within the thirty (30) day period, that person or entity will be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 per day of violation, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both.”
    (c) An order to remedy a condition found to exist in, on, or about any building in violation of the Uniform Code shall be served personally or by certified or registered mail within five (5) days of the date of the order.
    (d) Nothing in this section shall be construed as prohibiting any city, village, town, county, state agency or the Secretary of State from providing in an order to remedy that the person or entity served with such order must begin to remedy the violation(s) described in the order immediately, or within some other period of time which is specified in the order and which may be less than thirty (30) days; must thereafter continue diligently to remedy such violation(s) until each such violation is fully remedied; and must in any event fully remedy all such violation(s) within thirty (30) days of the date of such order.
    (e) Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the authority of any city, village, town, county, state agency or the Secretary of State to employ any other means of enforcing the Uniform Code and/or Energy Code, including, but not limited to:
    (1) issuing notices of violation;
    (2) issuing appearance tickets;
    (3) commencing and prosecuting an appropriate action or proceeding pursuant to that part of subdivision 2 of section 382 of the Executive Law that provides that any owner, builder, architect, tenant, contractor, subcontractor, construction superintendent or their agents or any other person taking part or assisting in the “construction” (as defined in subdivision 4 of section 372 of the Executive Law) of any building who shall knowingly violate any of the applicable provisions of the Uniform Code or any lawful order of a city, village, town, county, state agency or the Secretary of State made thereunder regarding standards for construction, maintenance, or fire protection equipment and systems, shall be subject to a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day of violation, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both;
    (4) commencing and prosecuting an appropriate action or proceeding pursuant to subdivision 3 of section 382 of the Executive Law which seeks, in a case where the construction or use of a building is in violation of any provision of the Uniform Code or any lawful order obtained thereunder, an order from a Justice of the Supreme Court directing the removal of the building or an abatement of the condition in violation of such provisions;
    (5) issuing stop work orders;
    (6) revoking or suspending building permits; revoking or suspending certificates of occupancy; or
    (7) commencing and prosecuting an appropriate action or proceeding to impose such criminal and/or civil sanctions as may be provided in applicable local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations.
    This notice is intended
    to serve only as a notice of emergency adoption. This agency intends to adopt the provisions of this emergency rule as a permanent rule, having previously submitted to the Department of State a notice of proposed rule making, I.D. No. DOS-04-15-00004-EP, Issue of January 28, 2015. The emergency rule will expire June 8, 2015.
    Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained from:
    Mark Blanke, Department of State, One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12231-0001, (518) 474-4073, email:
    Regulatory Impact Statement
    Executive Law § 381(1) provides that the Secretary of State shall promulgate rules and regulations prescribing minimum standards for administration and enforcement of the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (Uniform Code).
    Executive Law section 383(2) provides, in part, that “(a)ny person, having been served, either personally or by registered or certified mail, with an order to remedy any condition found to exist in, on, or about any building in violation of the [Uniform Code], who shall fail to comply with such order within the time fixed by the regulations promulgated by the secretary pursuant to [Executive Law § 381(1)], such time period to be stated in the order, . . . shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day of violation, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both.”
    This rule adds a new section 1203.5 to 19 NYCRR Part 1203. The new section 1203.5 effectuates the objectives of Executive Law §§ 381(1) and 382(2) by promulgating a regulation that (1) fixes the time within which compliance with an order to remedy will be required at thirty (30) days following the date of the order and (2) requiring each order to remedy to include a notice that clearly states the time within which compliance with the order is required and the consequences of failure to comply with the order within that stated time.1
    When current Article 18 of the Executive Law was adopted in 1981, there was no single building code applicable in all parts of the state; local governments were free to adopt their own code, to “accept” the applicability of the State Building Construction Code, or to have no building code at all. When it adopted the current Article 18, the Legislature found and declared that “(w)hether because of the absence of applicable codes, inadequate code provisions or inadequate enforcement of codes, the threat to the public health and safety posed by fire remains a real and present danger for the people of the state” (Executive Law § 371 (1)(d), emphasis added). The Legislature addressed the first two concerns (absence of applicable codes or inadequate code provisions) by providing, in Article 18, that the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (Uniform Code) would be applicable in all parts of the State except New York City. The Legislature addressed the third concern (inadequate enforcement of codes) by requiring local governments to administer and enforce the Uniform Code (Executive Law § 381(2)) and by providing a non-exclusive list of enforcement tools, including “the power to order in writing the remedying of any condition found to exist in, on or about any building in violation of the [Uniform Code]” (Executive Law § 382(1)).
    As stated above, Executive Law § 382(2) provides, in part, that a person served with an order to remedy who fails to comply with such order “within the time fixed by the regulations promulgated by the [Secretary of State] pursuant to [Executive Law § 381(1)], such time period to be stated in the order” shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day of violation, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both.
    Prior to the initial emergency adoption of this rule, the regulations adopted by the Department of State (DOS) pursuant to Executive Law § 381(1) contained no provision fixing the time for compliance with an order to remedy. DOS understands that a local government issuing an order to remedy would, in most cases, determine a reasonable time within which compliance with the order would be required. However, the recent case of People v. Plateau Associates, LLC, the Appellate Term for the Second Department, 9th and 10th Judicial Districts, held that in the absence of a DOS regulation fixing the time within which compliance with an order to remedy is required, the party served with such an order could not be charged under Executive Law § 382(2). The Court rejected the argument that the local government that issued the order to remedy should be permitted to determine the “reasonable time” within which compliance with the order to remedy would be required.
    This rule adopts a regulation that fixes the time within which compliance with an order to remedy is required. This rule is necessary because in the absence of a regulation fixing the time within which full compliance with an order to remedy is required, courts may, under the precedent established by Plateau Associates, refuse to impose the penalties contemplated by Executive Law § 382(2) upon persons who are served with an order to remedy who fail to comply with the order to remedy. This, in turn, would seriously diminish the effectiveness of orders to remedy, resulting in inadequate enforcement of the Uniform Code and potentially subject the people of this State to the real and present dangers of to public safety posed by fire, as identified by the State Legislature in Executive Law § 371(1)(d).
    3. COSTS
    Costs to Regulated Parties
    Pursuant to Executive Law § 382(2), a person served with an order to remedy who fails to comply with the order within the time fixed by this rule will be subject to the penalties prescribed by Executive Law § 382(2), viz., a fine not to exceed $1,000 per day of violation, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both.
    A person served with an order to remedy is already required by existing law to comply with that order. This rule merely fixes the time within which compliance with the order is required. This rule will impose no additional initial capital costs on any person served with an order to remedy. This rule will impose no additional annual compliance costs on any person served with an order to remedy.
    Upon learning of the decision in People v. Plateau Associates, LLC, the Department of State’s Division of Building Standards and Codes solicited information from local governments’ code enforcement officials from around the State. These officials were surveyed regarding times within which compliance with an order to remedy is typically required. Among those surveyed, the majority of participants affirmed that they included in orders to remedy, a specific date by which any violations must be corrected. On average, the time allowed before re-inspection or correction of the violations was reported to be twenty (20) days. The time fixed by this rule for compliance with an order to remedy (30 days from the date of the order) is actually slightly longer that this reported average.
    This rule expressly provides (1) that an order to remedy may provide that the person served with the order must begin to remedy the violation(s) immediately and (2) that new section 1203.5 does not limit any other enforcement tool. These provisions allow a local government to address situations in which immediate action is required to protect health and safety.
    Costs to the Department of State, New York State, and Local Governments
    In general, local governments are responsible for enforcing the Uniform Code. In certain instances, the Department of State (DOS) is responsible for enforcing the Uniform Code.
    This rule requires a local government (or DOS in those instances where it enforces the Uniform Code) to include in each order to remedy a notice substantially similar to the following: “NOTICE: Full compliance with this order to remedy is required by _____ [specify date], which is thirty (30) days after the date of this order. If the person or entity served with this order to remedy fails to comply in full with this order to remedy within the thirty (30) day period, that person or entity will be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 per day of violation, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both.”
    This rule also requires the local government or other enforcing agency that issues an order to remedy to serve the order (personally or by registered or certified mail) within 5 days of the date of the order.
    The initial costs to be incurred by local governments that enforce the Uniform Code (and by DOS in those instances where it enforces the Uniform Code) will include (1) the cost of modifying their order to remedy forms to include the notice required by this rule and (2) the cost of training their code enforcement personnel on the requirements of this rule. However, DOS anticipates that the cost of modifying a local government’s order to remedy form to include the notice required by this rule will be negligible. In addition, code enforcement personnel are required by existing law to receive 24 hours of in-service training each year, and DOS anticipates that training on the requirements of the new this rule can be provided within the already required annual in-service training.
    The annual or on-going compliance costs for local governments that enforce the Uniform Code (and by DOS in those instances where it enforces the Uniform Code) will include the costs associated with tracking service of orders to remedy to assure that service is made within the five day time limit established by this rule. However, DOS anticipates that a local government will be able to fulfill these obligations using its existing code enforcement personnel, at little or no additional cost to the local government. Further, local governments are authorized by existing law to charge fees to defray the cost of their code enforcement activities.
    DOS does not anticipate that the State of New York will incur any costs for the implementation of, and continued administration of, this rule.
    As stated above, this rule requires a local government (or DOS, in instances where it enforces the Uniform Code) to include a notice in each order to remedy specifying the date by which compliance with such order will be required and specifying the consequences of failure to comply with the order within that stated time.
    This rule requires a local government that issues an order to remedy to include in that order a notice specifying the date by which compliance with such order will be required and specifying the consequences of failure to comply with the order within that stated time. This rule also requires a local government that issues an order to remedy to see that the order is served (personally or by registered or certified mail) with 5 days of the date of the order.
    Local governments that enforce the Uniform Code will be required to ensure that their code enforcement personnel receive training on the provisions of this rule.
    DOS anticipates that any such additional training and enforcement obligations will have little or no impact on the code enforcement expenses incurred by local governments. In addition, local governments are authorized by existing law to charge fees to offset their code enforcement expenses.
    This rule implements the requirements of Executive Law § 382(2). This rule does not duplicate any rule or other legal requirement of the State or Federal government known to DOS.
    DOS considered a rule that would allow local governments to determine the time within which compliance with an order to remedy would be required on a case by case basis. However, the court in the Plateau Associates, LLC case cited above rejected this approach, and indicated that Executive Law § 382(2) requires DOS to adopt a regulation fixing a time within which compliance with an order to remedy would be required.
    This rule does not exceed any known minimum standards of the Federal government for the same or similar subject areas.
    DOS anticipates that local governments and other code enforcing agencies will be able to comply with this rule immediately.
    1 This rule also amends section 1203.1 of Title 19 NYCRR to include a reference to and definition of the term “Energy Code.”
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
    Executive Law § 382(2) provides, in part, that any person, having been served, either personally or by registered or certified mail, with an order to remedy any condition found to exist in, on, or about any building in violation of the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (the Uniform Code), who shall fail to comply with such order within the time fixed by the regulations promulgated by the secretary pursuant to Executive Law § 381(1), such time period to be stated in the order, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day of violation, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. This rule amends 19 NYCRR Part 1203 by adding Section 1203.5 (entitled “Compliance with an order to remedy”) which fixes the time within which compliance with an order to remedy is required. Under new Section 1203.5, the time within which compliance with an order to remedy is required is fixed at thirty (30) days following the date of the order.
    New section 1203.5 also requires (1) that each order to remedy include a notice indicating the date by which compliance with the order is required and the consequences of failure to comply with the order by that date and (2) that each order to remedy be served (personally or by registered or certified mail) within 5 days of the date of the order.1
    The Uniform Code is applicable in all areas of the State except New York City. Therefore, this rule will affect any small business which owns or occupies a building or structure anywhere in the State except New York City and which is served with an order to remedy Uniform Code violation(s) found to exist in, on, or about such building or structure. The Department of State is not able to estimate the number of small businesses that will be served with such an order to remedy.
    In general, local governments (cities, towns, and villages) are required to enforce the Uniform Code. In some cases, a county may enforce the Uniform Code. Therefore, this rule will affect any local government or county which enforces the Uniform Code and which chooses to issue an order to remedy. The Department of State estimates that approximately 1,600 local governments and counties enforce the Uniform Code, and that most of these local governments and counties issue orders to remedy from time to time.
    This rule will fix the time for compliance with an order to remedy at thirty (30) days from the date of the order. A person or entity (including a small business) served with an order to remedy is already required by existing law to comply with that order. This rule merely fixes the time within which compliance with the order is required. Failure to comply with an order to remedy within the time fixed by this rule will make the person or entity served with the order subject to the penalties prescribed by Executive Law § 382(2). This rule will impose no new reporting, recordkeeping or other compliance requirements on any person served with an order to remedy.
    A person or entity (including a small business) served with an order to remedy may find it necessary or desirable to hire an engineer, architect or other professional who constructs or assists in the construction or maintenance of buildings to assist with compliance with the order; however, this rule will not increase the need for any such professional services.
    Local government that enforce the Uniform Code and issue orders to remedy will be required to include in each such order a notice indicating the date by which compliance with the order is required and the consequences of failure to comply with the order by that date. Local governments will be required to modify their order to remedy forms to include this notice.
    Local government that enforce the Uniform Code and issue orders to remedy will be required to serve each such order to remedy (personally or by registered or certified mail) within 5 days of the date of the order. Local governments will be required to track service of their orders to remedy to assure that they are served within the applicable five day period.
    The Department of State anticipates that local governments will be able to comply with the new requirements added by section 1203.5 with their current code enforcement personnel, and will not require any significant additional professional services.
    Pursuant to Executive Law § 382(2), a person served with an order to remedy who fails to comply with the order within the time fixed by this rule will be subject to the penalties prescribed by Executive Law § 382(2), viz., a fine not to exceed $1,000 per day of violation, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. However, a person or entity (including a small business) served with an order to remedy is already required by existing law to comply with that order. This rule merely fixes the time within which compliance with the order is required. This rule will impose no additional initial capital costs on any person or entity (including any small business) served with an order to remedy.
    This rule will impose no additional annual compliance costs on any person or entity (including any small business) served with an order to remedy.
    The initial costs to be incurred by local governments that enforce the Uniform Code will include (1) the cost of modifying their order to remedy forms to include the notice required by this rule and (2) the cost of training their code enforcement personnel on the requirements of this rule. However, the Department of State anticipates that the cost of modifying a local government’s order to remedy form to include the notice required by this rule will be negligible. In addition, code enforcement personnel are required by existing law to receive 24 hours of in-service training each year, and the Department of State anticipates that training on the requirements of the new this rule can be provided within the already required annual in-service training.
    The annual or on-going compliance costs for local governments that enforce the Uniform Code will include the costs associated with tracking service of orders to remedy to assure that service is made within the five day time limit established by this rule. However, the Department of State anticipates that a local government will be able to fulfill these obligations using its existing code enforcement personnel, at little or no additional cost to the local government. Further, local governments are authorized by existing law to charge fees to defray the cost of their code enforcement activities.
    It is economically and technologically feasible for regulated parties to comply with the rule. No substantial capital expenditures are imposed and no new technology need be developed for compliance.
    The Department of State anticipates that local governments will be able to comply with this rule using their existing code enforcement personnel.
    This rule was designed to minimize any adverse impact on all affected parties, including small businesses and local governments, by: (1) fixing the time within which compliance with an order to remedy is required at 30 days from the date of the order, thereby enabling local governments easily to compute the date by which compliance is required and to state that date in the order to remedy, as required by Executive Law § 382(2); (2) specifying the form of the notice to be included in the order to remedy that will enable local governments to state the time within which compliance is required, which will facilitate local governments’ ability to comply with the requirements of Executive Law § 382(2); (3) providing that local governments can include in an order to remedy provisions requiring that the person or entity served with the order must begin to remedy the violation(s) immediately, and must diligently continue to remedy the violation(s), thereby allowing local governments to include appropriate provisions in an order to remedy to address a situation where immediate action is required to address life /safety concerns; and (4) providing a time within which compliance is required (30 days) which is longer than the average time currently specified by local governments that responded to the Department of State’s survey (20 days), thereby assuring that a person or entity served with an order to remedy will have a reasonable time to comply before being subject to the penalties prescribed by Executive Law § 382(2).
    Approaches such as establishing different compliance or reporting requirements or timetables that take into account the resources available to small businesses and local governments and/or providing exemptions from coverage by the rule, or any part thereof, for small businesses and local governments were not considered because doing so is not authorized by the statute and would endanger the public safety and general welfare.
    The Department of State gave small businesses and local governments an opportunity to participate in this rule making by posting a notice regarding this rule on the Department of State’s website and by publishing a notice regarding this rule in Building New York, a monthly electronic news bulletin covering topics related to the Uniform Code and the construction industry that is prepared by the Department of State and is currently distributed to approximately 10,000 subscribers, including local governments, design professionals and others involved in all aspects of the construction industry.
    The applicable statute (Executive Law § 382(2)) establishes a violation (viz., failure to comply with an order to remedy) and establishes penalties associated with such violation (viz., a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day of violation, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both). While this rule will relate to the violation and penalty established by Executive Law § 382(2) in the sense that this rule will fix the time within which compliance with an order to remedy is required, this rule will not directly establish or modify a violation and this rule will not directly establish or modify penalties associated with a violation. Therefore, for the purposes of Chapter 524 of the Laws of 2011 and subdivision 1-a of section 202-b of the State Administrative Procedure Act, this rule is not required to include a cure period or other opportunity for ameliorative action, the successful completion of which will prevent the imposition of penalties on the party or parties subject to enforcement. It should be noted, however, that this rule will, in effect, include a cure period or other opportunity for ameliorative action in the sense that this rule will provide that a person served with an order to remedy will have at least 30 days to comply with the order before the statutory penalties can be imposed.
    1 This rule also amends section 1203.1 of Title 19 NYCRR to include a reference to and definition of the term “energy code.”
    Rural Area Flexibility Analysis
    This rule adds a new section 1203.5 to Title 19 of the NYCRR. New section 1203.5 fixes the time within which compliance with an order to remedy violations of the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (the Uniform Code) is required.1
    The Uniform Code applies in all parts of the State except New York City. Therefore, this rule applies in all rural areas of the State.
    Executive Law § 382(2) provides, in part, that any person, having been served, either personally or by registered or certified mail, with an order to remedy any condition found to exist in, on, or about any building in violation of the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (the Uniform Code), who shall fail to comply with such order within the time fixed by the regulations promulgated by the secretary pursuant to subdivision one of section three hundred eighty-one of this article, such time period to be stated in the order, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day of violation, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. This rule adds a new section 1203.5 to Title 19 of the NYCRR. New section 1203.5 fixes the time for compliance with an order to remedy at thirty (30) days from the date of the order.
    A person served with an order to remedy in any part of the State, including any rural area, is already required by existing law to comply with that order. This rule merely fixes the time within which compliance with the order is required. Failure to comply with an order to remedy within the time fixed by this rule will make the person served with the order subject to the penalties prescribed by Executive Law § 382(2).
    This rule will impose no new reporting, recordkeeping or other compliance requirements on any person served with an order to remedy.
    A person served with an order to remedy may find it necessary or desirable to hire an engineer, architect or other professional who constructs or assists in the construction or maintenance of buildings to assist with compliance with the order; however, this rule will not increase the need for any such professional services.
    New section 1203.5 requires a local government that issues an order to remedy to include in the order a notice stating (1) that full compliance with the order within thirty (30) days of the date of the order is required and (2) that in the event the person served with the order to remedy fails to comply in full with the order within the thirty (30) day period, such person will be subject to the penalties prescribed by Executive Law § 382(2), viz., a fine of not more than $1,000 per day of violation, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. Local governments (including local governments in rural areas) will be required to modify their order to remedy forms to include this notice.
    New section 1203.5 provides that an order to remedy must be served within five days of the date of the order. Local governments (including local governments in rural areas) will be required to track service of their orders to remedy to assure that they are served within the applicable five day period.
    The Department of State anticipates that local governments will be able to enforce the new requirement added by section 1203.5 with their current code enforcement personnel, and will not require any significant additional professional services.
    3. COSTS.
    Pursuant to Executive Law § 382(2), a person served with an order to remedy who fails to comply with the order within the time fixed by this rule will be subject to the penalties prescribed by Executive Law § 382(2), viz., a fine not to exceed $1,000 per day of violation, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. However, a person served with an order to remedy in any part of the State, including any rural area, is already required by existing law to comply with that order. This rule merely fixes the time within which compliance with the order is required. This rule will impose no additional initial capital costs on any person served with an order to remedy. This rule will impose no additional annual compliance costs on any person served with an order to remedy.
    The initial costs to be incurred by local governments (including local governments in rural areas) will include (1) the cost of modifying their order to remedy forms to include the notice required by this rule and (2) the cost of training their code enforcement personnel on the requirements of this rule. However, the Department of State anticipates that the cost of modifying a local government’s order to remedy form to include the notice required by this rule will be negligible. In addition, code enforcement personnel are required by existing law to receive 24 hours of in-service training each year, and the Department of State anticipates that training on the requirements of the new this rule can be provided within the already required annual in-service training.
    The annual or on-going compliance costs for local governments (including local governments in rural areas) will include the costs associated with tracking service of orders to remedy to assure that service is made within the five day time limit established by this rule. However, the Department of State anticipates that a local government will be able to fulfill these obligations using its existing code enforcement personnel, at little or no additional cost to the local government. Further, local governments are authorized by existing law to charge fees to defray the cost of their code enforcement activities.
    This rule was designed to minimize any adverse impact on all areas of the State, including rural areas, by: (1) fixing the time within which compliance with an order to remedy is required at 30 days from the date of the order, thereby enabling local governments easily to compute the date by which compliance is required and to state that date in the order to remedy, as required by Executive Law § 382(2); (2) specifying the form of the notice to be included in the order to remedy that will enable local governments to state the time within which compliance is required, which will facilitate local governments’ ability to comply with the requirements of Executive Law § 382(2); (3) providing that local governments can include in an order to remedy provisions requiring that the person or entity served with the order must begin to remedy the violation(s) immediately, and must diligently continue to remedy the violation(s), thereby allowing local governments to include appropriate provisions in an order to remedy to address a situation where immediate action is required to address life /safety concerns; and (4) providing a time within which compliance is required (30 days) which is longer than the average time currently specified by local governments that responded to the Department of State’s survey (20 days), thereby assuring that a person or entity served with an order to remedy will have a reasonable time to comply before being subject to the penalties prescribed by Executive Law § 382(2).
    Establishing different compliance requirements for public and private sector interests in rural areas and/or providing exemptions from coverage by the rule for public and private sector interests in rural areas was not considered because doing so is not authorized by the statute and would endanger the public safety and general welfare.
    The Department of State notified interested parties throughout the State, including interested parties in rural areas, of the proposed adoption of this rule by means of notices posted on the Department’s website and published in Building New York, a monthly electronic news bulletin covering topics related to the Uniform Code/Energy Code and the construction industry which is prepared by the Department of State and which is currently distributed to approximately 10,000 subscribers, including local governments, design professionals and others involved in all aspects of the construction industry.
    1 This rule also amends section 1203.1 of Title 19 NYCRR to include a reference to and definition of the term “energy code.”
    Job Impact Statement
    The Department of State has concluded after reviewing the nature and purpose of the rule that it will not have a substantial adverse impact on jobs and employment opportunities in New York.
    Executive Law § 382(2) provides, in part, that any person, having been served, either personally or by registered or certified mail, with an order to remedy any condition found to exist in, on, or about any building in violation of the State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (the Uniform Code), who shall fail to comply with such order within the time fixed by the regulations promulgated by the secretary pursuant to Executive Law § 381(1), such time period to be stated in the order, shall be punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day of violation, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. This rule adds a new section 1203.5 to Title 19 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York. New section 1203.5 fixes the time for compliance with an order to remedy at thirty (30) days from the date of the order.
    A person served with an order to remedy is required by existing law to comply with that order. This rule merely fixes the time within which compliance with the order is required. Failure to comply with an order to remedy within the time fixed by this rule will make the person served with the order subject to the penalties prescribed by Executive Law § 382(2).
    Therefore, the Department of State concludes that it is apparent from the nature and purpose of this rule that it will have no substantial adverse impact on jobs and employment opportunities.

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