Notice_of_Availability_of_State_and_Federal_Funds Notice of Availability of State and Federal Funds  

  • 4/6/11 N.Y. St. Reg. Notice of Availability of State and Federal Funds
    April 06, 2011
    Four Tower Place Albany, NY 12203
    Projects that will Support Local Juvenile Justice Systems
    Below please find for publication in the April 7, 2011 issue of the State Register, information necessary to provide notice of the availability of funding.
    The NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit grant applications for projects that will support local juvenile justice systems' efforts to match the level and type of system involvement with the objective risk and need level of each child at the outset of a youth's juvenile justice involvement. Funding available under this RFP will support juvenile justice system reforms that both:
    1. Prevent any juvenile justice system involvement for low risk youth who have committed minor offenses by responding to arrests of low risk, low offense severity youth through diversion strategies that do not include juvenile justice system sanctions or the potential for the imposition of juvenile justice system sanctions for failure to comply with referrals to social service supports; and
    2. Provide low risk youth who have committed more serious offenses, moderate risk youth, and high risk youth who have committed minor offenses, with interventions and services that hold them accountable for the harm they have caused and provide effective services targeted to reduce their risk of recidivism outside of the formal adjudicatory process in Family Court.
    Applicants must be a unit of local government and proposed reform efforts should be integrally connected to front end juvenile justice system functioning at law enforcement, probation intake, probation adjustment, the presentment agency, and/or the family court processes available to refer a case back to probation for adjustment. Applicants are encouraged to partner with community-based providers to access services for youth and their families as needed and appropriate.
    Approximately $1 million in federal funding from the Title II Formula Grants program and approximately $900,000 in Juvenile Accountability Block Grants (JABG) program is available; grants of up to $500,000 will be awarded to local projects that reduce unnecessary reliance on formal case processing by appropriately matching juvenile justice system response to the risk level of each child. At least three grants will be made: a maximum of one in New York City; at least one in a major metropolitan area outside New York City, and at least one in a locality that can demonstrate a significant local juvenile crime problem.
    The counties of Albany, Broome, Dutchess, Erie, Monroe, Nassau, Oneida, Onondaga, Orange, Rockland, Suffolk, Westchester and the cities of Buffalo, New York and Rochester are only eligible for the available Title II Formula Grant Funds (approximately $1 million). Cities and towns within the above referenced counties and all other NYS units of local government are eligible for the full amount of the available funding ($1.9 million).
    Funds will be provided for an initial period of eighteen months, with one optional twelve month renewal. The contract start dates will be no earlier than 10/1/2011 and end dates will be no later than 06/30/2013. Proposals must be submitted via DCJS' on-line Grants Management System (GMS). Proposals must be submitted on or before 12:00 noon, Friday, May 13, 2011.
    Applications are available on DCJS' website at: For assistance in accessing an application, contact: Schellie Tedesco, Juvenile Justice Unit, Office of Program Development and Funding, Division of Criminal Justice Services, Four Tower Place - 3rd Fl., Albany, NY 12203-3764, (518) 457-3670
    State Campus, Building 7A, Suite 710 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12242
    Statewide Interoperability Communications Grant
    The New York State Office of Interoperable and Emergency Communications (OIEC) is issuing a Request for Applications (RFA) to solicit applications from New York State County Governments for awards to facilitate the development, consolidation and/or improved operation of public safety communications to support and enhance statewide interoperable communications for first responders.
    Subject to State appropriation authority, a total of $20 million in funding is available for awards to New York State county governments for the purposes noted above, as outlined in the RFA. Allocations will be limited to $2 million per successful application/category. Awards are for a period of twelve months, renewable for a period of up to two years made at the state's discretion, subject to an appropriation. Funding for this grant program is supported by the Statewide Public Safety Communications Account.
    Applications will be accepted through 5:00 p.m. (EDT) May 17, 2011 to the address listed above, Attn: Robert Barbato, Deputy Director.
    Applications are available on-line at or may be obtained by emailing OIEC at

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