OMH-14-14-00015-A Mental Health Services—General Provisions  

  • 7/23/14 N.Y. St. Reg. OMH-14-14-00015-A
    July 23, 2014
    I.D No. OMH-14-14-00015-A
    Filing No. 592
    Filing Date. Jul. 07, 2014
    Effective Date. Jul. 23, 2014
    Mental Health Services—General Provisions
    PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE State Administrative Procedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
    Action taken:
    Amendment of Part 501 of Title 14 NYCRR.
    Statutory authority:
    Mental Hygiene Law, sections 7.09 and 31.01
    Mental Health Services—General Provisions.
    To provide clarification with respect to outdated references within Title 14 NYCRR for providers of mental health services.
    Text of final rule:
    Section 501.5 of Title 14 NYCRR is amended to read as follows:
    § 501.5. Obsolete or Outdated references.
    (a) Commission on Quality of Care and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities. Effective June 30, 2013, all references to the Commission on Quality of Care and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities that appear in this Title, as applicable to the Office of Mental Health and facilities under its jurisdiction, shall be deemed to be references to the Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs, established pursuant to Chapter 501 of the Laws of 2012.
    (b) Diagnostic Manuals. All references in this Title, as applicable to the Office of Mental Health and facilities under its jurisdiction, to the International Classification of Diseases Manual (ICD) that refer to a specific edition shall be deemed to reference the most current version required to be used for coding by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. All references in this Title, as applicable to the Office of Mental Health and facilities under its jurisdiction, to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) that refer to a specific edition shall be deemed to reference the most recent published edition of such manual.
    Final rule as compared with last published rule:
    Nonsubstantive changes were made in section 501.5(b).
    Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained from:
    Sue Watson, NYS Office of Mental Health, 44 Holland Avenue, Albany, NY 12229, (518) 474-1331, email:
    Revised Job Impact Statement
    A job impact statement is not being submitted with this notice because it is evident from the subject matter of the rule that there will be no impact on jobs and employment opportunities. The non-substantive change to the final rule does not alter its intent, which is to provide clarification to providers of mental health services with respect to regulatory references to outdated manuals. The wording change in the final adopted rule further clarifies that the current version of the International Classification of Diseases Manual (ICD) means the most current version required to be used for coding by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. No public comments were received as a result of this rule making. OMH is merely making this non-substantive change to the final adopted version of the regulation to serve as additional helpful information to providers.
    Assessment of Public Comment
    The agency received no public comment.

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