SUN-29-14-00004-EP State University of New York Tuition and Fees Schedule  

  • 7/23/14 N.Y. St. Reg. SUN-29-14-00004-EP
    July 23, 2014
    I.D No. SUN-29-14-00004-EP
    Filing No. 594
    Filing Date. Jul. 08, 2014
    Effective Date. Jul. 08, 2014
    State University of New York Tuition and Fees Schedule
    PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE State Administrative Procedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
    Proposed Action:
    Amendment of section 302.1(b) of Title 8 NYCRR.
    Statutory authority:
    Education Law, sections 355(2)(b) and (h)
    Finding of necessity for emergency rule:
    Preservation of general welfare.
    Specific reasons underlying the finding of necessity:
    Amendment of these regulations needs to proceed on an emergency basis because tuition increases are intended to be effective for the Fall 2014 semester. Billing for these new tuition rates occurs during the summer of 2014; therefore, notice of the new rates needs to occur as soon as possible.
    State University of New York Tuition and Fees Schedule.
    To amend the Tuition and Fees Schedule to increase tuition for students in all programs in the State University of New York.
    Text of emergency/proposed rule:
    Section 302.1. Tuition and fees at State-operated units of State University.
    * * * * *
    (b) Tuition charges as listed in the following table for categories of students, terms and programs, and as modified, amplified or explained in footnotes 1 through 9 are effective with the [2013] 2014 fall term and thereafter.
    Charge per SemesterCharge per Semester credit hour1 Special Students
    New York State residentsOut-of-State residentsNew York State residentsOut-of-State residents
    (1)Students enrolled in degree-granting undergraduate programs leading to an associate degree and non-degree granting programs of at least one regular academic term in duration which have been approved as eligible for Tuition Assistance Program Awards[$2,935] $3,085[$7,660] $7,910 $4,8702 [$5,0203] 5,1703 [$4,8702] 5,3204 $7,6605[$245] $257 [$2454] $2576[$638] $659 $4062 [$4183] $4313 [$4062] $4434 $6385 [$2454] $2576
    (2)Students enrolled in degree-granting undergraduate programs leading to a baccalaureate degree and non-degree granting programs of at least one regular academic term in duration which have been approved as eligible for Tuition Assistance Program Awards[$2,935] $3,085[$7,660] $7,910 [$8,9055] $9,7957 [$8,0956] $8,9058 [$4,4057] $4,6309[$245] $257[$638] $659 [$7425] $8167 [$6756] $7428 [$3677] $3869
    (3)Students enrolled in graduate programs (other than Masters of Business Administration, Architecture, Social Work or Physician Assistant) leading to a Master’s, Doctor’s or equivalent degree[$4,935] $5,185[$9,175] $10,095 [$7,4057] $7,7809[$411] $432[$765] $841 [$6177] $6489
    (4)Students enrolled in a graduate program leading to a Masters of Business Administration (MBA)[$6,065] $6,610[$10,075] $11,085[$505] $551[$840] $924
    (5)Students enrolled in a graduate program leading to a Masters of Architecture[$5,470] $5,960[$9,175] $10,095[$456] $497[$765] $841
    (6)Students enrolled in a graduate program leading to a Masters of Social Work[$5,450] $5,940[$9,175] $10,095[$454] $495[$765] $841
    (7)Students enrolled in the professional program of pharmacy[$11,305] $11,870 [$21,920] $23,015[$942] $989[$1,827] $1,918
    (8)Students enrolled in the professional program of law[$10,985] $11,975 [$19,020] $20,920[$915] $998 [$1,585] $1,743
    (9)Students enrolled in the professional program of medicine[$16,095] $17,545 [$28,690] $30,125[$1,341] $1,462[$2,391] $2,510
    (10)Students enrolled in the professional program of dentistry[$13,870] $15,120$31,475[$1,156] $1,260$2,623
    (11)Students enrolled in the professional programs of physical therapy and doctor of nursing practice[$9,775] $10,655 [$17,720] $19,490[$815] $888[$1,477] $1,624
    (12)Students enrolled in the professional program of optometry[$10,945] $12,040 [$20,440] $21,870[$912] $1,003[$1,703] $1,823
    (13)Students enrolled in the professional program of physician assistant[$5,415] $5,900 [$10,005] $12,005[$451] $492[$834] $1,000
    1 The Chancellor shall determine the equivalent of a credit hour.
    2 In accordance with Chapter 309 of the Laws of 1996, and enabling action by the Board of Trustees, the Colleges of Technology at Alfred, Canton, Cobleskill, Delhi and Morrisville are authorized to charge a lower rate for non-resident students enrolled in degree-granting programs leading to an associate degree or in non-degree granting programs. This reduced rate does not apply to those students in degree-granting programs leading to a baccalaureate degree. Alfred [and Morrisville are] is authorized to charge the rate noted effective with the fall [2013] 2014 term.
    3 In accordance with Chapter 309 of the Laws of 1996, and enabling action by the Board of Trustees, the Colleges of Technology at Alfred, Canton, Cobleskill, Delhi and Morrisville are authorized to charge a lower rate for non-resident students enrolled in degree-granting programs leading to an associate degree or in non-degree granting programs. This reduced rate does not apply to those students enrolled in degree- granting programs leading to a baccalaureate degree. Canton and Delhi are authorized to charge the rate noted effective with the fall [2013] 2014 term.
    4 In accordance with Chapter 309 of the Laws of 1996, and enabling action by the Board of Trustees, the Colleges of Technology at Alfred, Canton, Cobleskill, Delhi and Morrisville are authorized to charge [a] this lower rate for [special students (part-time)] non-resident students enrolled in degree-granting programs leading to an associate degree or in non-degree granting programs[, and taking classes at off-campus locations or during the summer or winter intercessions]. This reduced rate does not apply to those students enrolled in degree-granting programs leading to a baccalaureate degree. Morrisville is authorized to charge the rate noted effective with the fall 2014 term.
    5 In accordance with [the NY-SUNY 2020 Challenge Grant Program Act, the University Centers at Buffalo and Stony Brook are authorized to charge this rate for non-resident undergraduate students.] Chapter 309 of the Laws of 1996, and enabling action by the Board of Trustees, the Colleges of Technology at Alfred, Canton, Cobleskill, Delhi and Morrisville are authorized to charge a lower rate for non-resident students enrolled in degree-granting programs leading to an associate degree or in non-degree granting programs. This reduced rate does not apply to those students enrolled in degree-granting programs leading to a baccalaureate degree. Cobleskill is authorized to charge the rate noted effective with the fall 2014 term.
    6 In accordance with [the NY-SUNY 2020 Challenge Grant Program Act, the University Center at Binghamton and the University Center at Albany are authorized to charge this rate for non-resident undergraduate students.] Chapter 309 of the Laws of 1996, and enabling action by the Board of Trustees, the Colleges of Technology at Alfred, Canton, Cobleskill, Delhi and Morrisville are authorized to charge this lower rate for special students (part-time) enrolled in degree-granting programs leading to an associate degree or in non-degree granting programs, and taking classes at off-campus locations or during the summer or winter intercessions. This reduced rate does not apply to those students enrolled in degree-granting programs leading to a baccalaureate degree.
    7 [As authorized by the Board of Trustees (2010-081), Maritime College is authorized to charge up to this rate for non-resident students from states considered to be in-region (Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and Washington D.C.).] In accordance with the NY-SUNY 2020 Challenge Grant Program Act, the University Centers at Buffalo and Stony Brook are authorized to charge this rate for non-resident undergraduate students.
    8 In accordance with the NY-SUNY 2020 Challenge Grant Program Act, the University Centers at Binghamton and Albany are authorized to charge this rate for non-resident undergraduate students.
    9 As authorized by the Board of Trustees (2010-081), Maritime College is authorized to charge up to this rate for non-resident students from states considered to be in-region (Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and Washington D.C.).
    This notice is intended:
    to serve as both a notice of emergency adoption and a notice of proposed rule making. The emergency rule will expire October 5, 2014.
    Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained from:
    Lisa S. Campo, State University of New York, State University Plaza, S-325, 353 Broadway, Albany, NY (518) 320-1400, email:
    Data, views or arguments may be submitted to:
    Same as above.
    Public comment will be received until:
    45 days after publication of this notice.
    Regulatory Impact Statement
    1. Statutory Authority: Education Law, Sections 355(2)(b) and 355(2)(h). Section 355(2)(b) authorizes the State University Trustees to make and amend rules and regulations for the governance of the State University and institutions therein. Section 355(2)(h) authorizes the State University Trustees to regulate the admission of students, tuition charges and other fees and charges, curricula and all other matters pertaining to the operation and administration of each State-operated institution of the University.
    2. Legislative Objectives: The present measure will provide essential financial support for the operations of the State University of New York, in accordance with the NY-SUNY 2020 Challenge Grant Program Act, Chapter 260, Laws of 2011.
    3. Needs and Benefits: The present measure establishes a series of tuition increases in the degree programs of the State University of New York.
    Undergraduate Programs
    • As authorized by the NY-SUNY 2020 Challenge Grant Program Act, resident undergraduate tuition would increase by $300 (5.1%) to $6,170.
    • As authorized by the NY-SUNY 2020 Challenge Grant Program Act, and pursuant to the approval which has been granted by the Governor and Chancellor of a long term economic and academic plan submitted by each University Center, non-resident undergraduate tuition for students at the University Centers would increase by 10%, resulting in an increase of $1,780 (to $19,590) for non-resident students at the University Centers at Buffalo and Stony Brook; and an increase of $1,620 (to $17,810) at the University Centers at Albany and Binghamton.
    • The standard non-resident undergraduate tuition would be increased by $500 (3.3%) to $15,820 for all undergraduate students at the Comprehensive Colleges, Environmental Science and Forestry, Downstate Health Science Center, Upstate Health Science Center, Farmingdale, SUNYIT, Maritime, and for students enrolled at baccalaureate programs at Alfred, Canton, Cobleskill, Delhi, and Morrisville.
    • Non-resident undergraduate tuition for students enrolled in an associate’s degree or non-degree granting program at the College of Technology at Canton or the College of Technology at Delhi, would increase by $300 (3%), to $10,340; and for students enrolled at the College of Technology at Morrisville, the rate would increase by $900 (9.2%), to $10,640.
    • Non-resident undergraduate tuition would not increase for students enrolled in an associate’s degree or non-degree granting program at the College of Technology at Alfred, remaining at $9,740, or for students enrolled at the College of Technology at Cobleskill, remaining at $15,320.
    • Maritime College is authorized to charge a differential rate, not to exceed $9,260 (an increase of 5.1%), for non-resident students who are from a state defined as in-region (Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and Washington D.C.) Students not from one of the states identified pay the standard non-resident rate.
    Graduate Programs
    • For students enrolled in graduate programs not separately identified, the standard tuition would increase by $500 (5.1%) for resident students, to $10,370, and by $1,840 (10%) for non-resident students, to $20,190.
    • For students enrolled in programs leading to a Master’s in Business Administration degree, tuition would increase by $1,090 (9%) to $13,220 for resident students, and by $2,020 (10%) to $22,170 for non-resident students.
    • For students enrolled in programs leading to a Master’s in Architecture degree, tuition would increase by $980 (9%) to $11,920 for resident students, and by $1,840 (10%) to $20,190 for non-resident students.
    • For students enrolled in programs leading to a Master’s in Social Work degree, tuition would increase by $980 (9%) to $11,880 for resident students, and by $1,840 (10%) to $20,190 for non-resident students.
    • Tuition for the Physicians’ Assistant graduate master’s program at Stony Brook and Upstate would increase by $970 (9%) to $11,800 for resident students, and by $4,000 (20%) to $24,010 for non-resident students.
    • Maritime College is authorized to charge a differential rate, not to exceed $15,560 (an increase of 5.1%), for non-resident students who are from a state defined as in-region (Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia, and Washington D.C.) Students not from one of the states identified pay the standard non-resident rate.
    Professional Programs
    • For students enrolled in the medical professional program at the four Health Science Centers, tuition would increase by $2,900 (9%) to $35,090 for residents and by $2,870 (5%) to $60,250 for non-residents.
    • Tuition for the dental professional program at the Universities at Stony Brook and Buffalo would increase by $2,500 (9%) to $30,240 for residents. Tuition for non-resident students would not increase, remaining at $62,950.
    • Tuition for the optometry program at the College of Optometry would increase by $2,190 (10%) to $24,080 for residents and by $2,860 (7%) to $43,740 for non-residents.
    • The tuition at the Law School of the University at Buffalo would be increased by $1,980 (9%) to $23,950 for resident students and by $3,800 (10%) to $41,840 for non- resident students.
    • The tuition for the School of Pharmacy professional program at the University at Buffalo would increase by $1,130 (5%) to $23,740 for resident students and by $2,190 (5%) to $46,030 for non-resident students.
    • Tuition for the Doctor of Physical Therapy and Doctor of Nursing Practice programs would increase by $1,760 (9%) to $21,310 for residents and by $3,540 (10%) to $38,980 for non-resident students.
    Even with the recommended increases, the tuition charged at the State-operated campuses of State University of New York is still competitive when compared to peer institutions in other university systems.
    The tuition rates were last increased in the Fall 2013.
    4. Costs: Students enrolled in these programs of the State University of New York will be required to pay additional tuition ranging from $300 per year for resident associate degrees to $4,000 for non-resident students enrolled in the Physicians’ Assistant graduate master’s program at Stony Brook and Upstate. In setting the new tuition schedule, the State University has examined its appropriation levels, the prevailing tuition rates charged by other public universities and the status of various State and Federal student financial aid programs.
    5. Local Government Mandates: There are no local government mandates. The amendment does not affect students enrolled in the community colleges operating under the program of the State University of New York.
    6. Paperwork: No parties will experience any new reporting responsibilities. State University of New York publications and documents containing notices regarding costs of attendance will need to be revised to reflect these changes.
    7. Duplication: None.
    8. Alternatives: Delays in tuition increases as well as higher increases were considered, however, there is no acceptable alternative to the proposed increases. The revenue from these tuition increases is necessary in order for the University to maintain quality of instruction and essential services to students, especially given the high cost professional programs.
    9. Federal Standards: None.
    10. Compliance Schedule: The amendment to the tuition schedule will go into effect for the Fall 2014 semester.
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
    No regulatory flexibility analysis is submitted with this notice because the proposed rule does not impose any requirements on small businesses and local governments. This proposed rule making will not impose any adverse economic impact on small businesses and local governments or impose any reporting, recordkeeping or other compliance requirements on small businesses and local governments.
    Rural Area Flexibility Analysis
    No rural area flexibility analysis is submitted with this notice because the proposed rule does not impose any requirements on rural areas. The rule will not impose any adverse economic impact on rural areas or impose any reporting, recordkeeping, professional services or other compliance requirements on rural areas.
    Job Impact Statement
    No job impact statement is submitted with this notice because the proposed rule does not impose any adverse economic impact on existing jobs, employment opportunities, or self-employment. This regulation governs tuition charges for State University of New York and will not have any adverse impact on the number of jobs or employment.

Document Information

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