Agency I.D. No: PSC-24-09-00007-P
Subject Matter:Major electric rate filing
Location -- Date -- Time: Department of Public Service, Three Empire State Plaza, 3rd Fl. Hearing Rm., Albany, NY*—Aug. 11, 2009, 10:00 a.m., and continuing through Aug. 12, 2009.
*On occasion there are requests to reschedule or postpone evidentiary hearing dates. If such a request is granted, notification of any subsequent scheduling changes will be available at the DPS website ( under Case 08-E-1227.
Agency I.D. No: PSC-26-09-00010-P
Subject Matter:National Grid NY proposes to retain a portion of the property tax refund for its shareholders
Location -- Date -- Time: Department of Public Service, Three Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY*—Sept. 16, 2009, 10:30 a.m.
* There could be requests to reschedule the hearings. Notification of any subsequent scheduling changes will be available at the DPS website ( under Case No. 08-M-1445SP1.
Agency I.D. No: PSC-28-09-00010-P
Subject Matter:Water rates and charges
Location -- Date -- Time: Merrick Library, 2779 Merrick Ave., Merrick, NY*—Sept. 1, 2009, 2:00 p.m.
* There could be requests to reschedule the hearings. Notification of any subsequent scheduling changes will be available at the DPS website ( under Case No. 09-W-0237SP1.