DOS-32-08-00007-P Cease and Desist Zone for the County of Kings  

  • 8/6/08 N.Y. St. Reg. DOS-32-08-00007-P
    August 06, 2008
    I.D No. DOS-32-08-00007-P
    Cease and Desist Zone for the County of Kings
    PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE State Administrative Procedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following proposed rule:
    Proposed Action:
    Amendment of section 175.17(c)(2) of Title 19 NYCRR.
    Statutory authority:
    Real Property Law, section 442-h
    Cease and desist zone for the County of Kings.
    To extend and expand an existing cease and desist zone for the County of Kings.
    Text of proposed rule:
    An Amendment to 19 NYCRR Part 175.17(c)(2) is adopted to read as follows:
    (c)(2) The following geographic areas are designated as cease-and-desist zones, and, unless sooner redesignated, the designation for the following cease-and-desist zones shall expire on the following dates:
    ZoneExpiration Date
    County of BronxAugust 1, 2009
    Within the County of Bronx as follows:
    All that area of land in the County of Bronx, City of New York, otherwise known as Community Districts 9, 10, 11 and 12, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point at the intersection of Bronx County and Westchester County boundary and Long Island Sound; thence southerly along Long Island Sound while including City Island to East River; thence westerly and northwesterly along East River to Bronx River; thence northwesterly and northerly along Bronx River to Sheridan Expressway; thence northeasterly along Sheridan Expressway to Cross Bronx Expressway; thence southeasterly and easterly along Cross Bronx Expressway to Bronx River Parkway; thence northerly and northeasterly along Bronx River Parkway to East 233rd Street; thence westerly along East 233rd Street to Van Cortlandt Park East; thence northerly along Van Cortlandt Park East to the boundary of Westchester County and Bronx County; thence easterly along the boundary of Westchester County and Bronx County to Long Island Sound and the point of beginning.
    ZoneExpiration Date
    County of QueensAugust 1, 2009
    Cease and Desist Zone
    (Mill Basin/Brooklyn)
    ZoneExpiration Date
    County of Kings (Brooklyn)November 30, [2007] 2012
    Within the County of Kings as follows:
    All that area of land in the County of Kings, City of New York, otherwise known as the communities of Mill Basin, Mill Island, Bergen Beach, Futurama, [and] Marine Park and Madison Marine, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point at the intersection of Flatlands Avenue and the northern prolongation of Paerdegat Basin, thence southwesterly along Flatlands Avenue to Avenue N; thence westerly along Avenue N to Nostrand Avenue; thence southerly along Nostrand Avenue to [Gerritsen Avenue] Kings Highway; thence [southeasterly along Gerritsen Avenue and the southern prolongation of Gerritsen Avenue] southwesterly along Kings Highway to Ocean Avenue; thence southerly along Ocean Avenue to Shore Parkway; thence northeasterly, southeasterly, northerly, northeasterly and northerly along Shore Parkway to Paerdegat Basin; thence northwesterly along Paerdegat Basin and the northern prolongation of Paerdegat Basin; thence northwesterly along Paerdegat Basin and northern prolongation of Paerdegat Basin to Flatlands Avenue and the point of beginning.
    Cease and Desist Zone
    ZoneExpiration Date
    County of Kings (Brooklyn)May 31, 2008
    Within the County of Kings as follows:
    All that area of land in the County of Kings, City of New York, bounded and described as follows:
    Beginning at a point at the intersection of Ralph Avenue and the Long Island Railroad right-of-way (between Chase Court and Ditmas Avenue); thence northeasterly along the Long Island Railroad right-of-way to the northern prolongation of Bank Street; thence southeasterly along Bank Street to a point at the intersection of Bank Street and Foster Avenue; thence northeasterly continuing to a point at the intersection of Stanley Street and East 108th Street; thence southeasterly along East 108th Street to Flatlands Avenue; thence northeasterly along Flatlands Avenue to the northern prolongation of Fresh Creek Basin; thence southeasterly along Fresh Creek Basin to Shore (Belt) Parkway; thence southwesterly along Shore (Belt) Parkway to Paerdegat Basin; thence northwesterly along Paerdegat Basin, and the northern prolongation of Paerdegat Basin to Flatlands Avenue; thence southwesterly along Flatlands Avenue to Ralph Avenue; thence northwesterly along Ralph Avenue to the Long Island Railroad right-of-way and the point of beginning.
    Text of proposed rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained from:
    Whitney A. Clark, Esq., Department of State, Division of Licensing Services, Alfred E. Smith State Office Bldg., 80 S. Swan St., P.O. Box 22001, Albany, NY 12231-0001, (518) 473-2728, e-mail:
    Data, views or arguments may be submitted to:
    Same as above.
    Public comment will be received until:
    45 days after publication of this notice.
    This action was not under consideration at the time this agency's Regulatory Agenda was submitted for publication in the Register.
    Regulatory Impact Statement
    1. Statutory authority:
    Real Property Law (RPL) section 442-h(3)(a) permits the Department of State (DOS) to adopt a rule establishing a cease and desist zone for a defined geographic area if it is determined that some owners of residential real property within the defined area are subject to intense and repeated solicitation by real estate brokers and salespersons to place their property for sale with such real estate broker or salesperson. RPL section 442-h(3)(c) provides that a cease and desist zone shall be effective for a maximum of five years, after which the Secretary of State may re-adopt the rule to continue the cease and desist zone for additional periods not to exceed five years each. Based on testimony received at a public hearing on September 6, 2007, the Secretary has determined that some homeowners residing in the proposed cease and desist zone in Brooklyn are subject to intense and repeated solicitation. Accordingly, DOS has express authority to adopt this rule, which extends and expands an existing cease and desist zone in several Brooklyn communities.
    2. Legislative objectives:
    In enacting RPL section 442-h, the Legislature highlighted the problems faced by some residents from intense and repeated solicitation to list their homes for sale. Recognizing that not all homeowners who are the subject of this solicitation are desirous of being solicited, the Legislature authorized the Secretary to determine if a cease and desist zone should be established. Upon the establishment of such a zone, a homeowner may file with the Secretary a statement of desire not to be solicited. Thereafter, the Secretary will publish a list of the names and addresses of the persons who have filed the statement, and brokers and salespersons are then prohibited from soliciting persons on that list. That list is commonly referred to as a “cease and desist list.”
    Thus, RPL section 442-h was designed to protect the public. This rule re-enforces the objectives of the Legislature when it enacted RPL section 442-h by extending and expanding a cease and desist zone for an area that has demonstrated that some residents are the subject of intense and repeated solicitation. The current cease and desist order will be extended for an additional five years, and will be due to expire on November 30, 2012.
    3. Needs and benefits:
    DOS held a public hearing on September 6, 2007 at Junior High School 78 in Brooklyn, NY to determine whether to extend the cease and desist order that expired on November 30, 2007. The defined cease and desist zone would be the Mill Basin area of Brooklyn, which includes the communities of Mill Basin, Mill Island, Bergen Beach, Futurama, Marine Park and Madison Marine. At the public hearing, testimony was taken and evidence submitted to demonstrate that some residents within the proposed geographic area are subject to intense and repeated solicitation to list their homes for sale. The speakers included elected officials, local representatives and homeowners within the existing and proposed cease and desist zone. The speakers spoke primarily in support of the proposed cease and desist zone, citing the need to curb the aggressive solicitation practices of real estate agents in the affected communities. The speakers cited frequent mailings, unwanted flyers, as well as door-to-door solicitation as intrusive and unwanted solicitation practices by real estate brokers and salespersons. DOS held the record open after the public hearing to afford others the opportunity to submit written testimony and proof of undesired solicitation. The additional material provided to DOS was consistent with that obtained during the public hearing.
    As of July 2007, DOS had received 1,314 homeowners' statements from the Mill Basin area. The widespread resident support evidenced by the number of homeowner statement filings, coupled with the testimony and evidence submitted to DOS as part of the public hearing, amply demonstrate that some residents within the proposed geographic area are the subject of intense and repeated solicitation to list their homes for sale. This rule making will benefit residents of the defined area by providing a mechanism for them to notify DOS that they do not wish to be solicited.
    4. Costs:
    a. Costs to regulated parties:
    The costs to real estate brokers and salespersons are minimal. DOS licenses approximately 11,926 real estate licensees in Brooklyn. DOS maintains copies of the cease and desist lists on its website. This list is available for all to view, at no cost. Additionally, DOS will mail a copy of the list to any person desiring a copy for the minimal cost of $10.00.
    b. Costs to the Department of State:
    DOS anticipates that the cost and implementation of this rule will be minimal, and administration of this rule will be accomplished using existing resources. The estimated costs are as follows:
    Printing owners statements $2,200
    Mailing owners statements $640
    Processing statements:
    Staff: SG-13: $37,072
    SG-23: $58,406
    10 weeks: $7,129–$11,231
    Data entry:
    Staff: SG-6: $25,146
    SG-9: $29,595
    SG-13: $37,072
    10 days: $688–$1,015
    The costs for printing and mailing the cease and desist list are unknown. DOS anticipates that most licensees will access the list, at no cost, on its website. For those few who want to purchase a paper copy, DOS will likely print a copy, on an order-by-order basis, on existing equipment. The mailing costs will be dependent on the number of copies that are ordered. However, DOS expects that the costs for printing and mailing will be incidental to the costs of preparing the list.
    DOS expects that revenues from the sale of the list will be incidental to the costs of preparing, printing and mailing.
    c. Costs to State and local governments:
    The rule does not otherwise impose any implementation or compliance costs on the State or local governments.
    5. Local government mandates:
    The rule does not impose any program, service, duty or other responsibility on local governments.
    6. Paperwork:
    Homeowners who do not want to be solicited will have to file an ‘owner's statement’ with DOS. The owner's statement will indicate the owner's desire not to be solicited and will set forth the owner's name and the address of the property within the cease and desist zone. DOS will provide homeowners with a standard form, although use of the form is not mandatory. Owner's statements will be provided to community leaders for distribution to their constituents. In addition, owner's statements will be available from DOS on request, as well as being available on its website. DOS will prepare a cease and desist list containing the names and addresses of all of the homeowners who filed an owner's statement. The list will be available, at no cost, on its website. The list will also be sold to the public, including real estate brokers and salespersons. The price will be $10 per copy. Besides any request for cease and desist lists that they submit by mail, real estate brokers and salespersons will not have to complete any paperwork or file any paperwork as a result of this rule.
    7. Duplication:
    This rule extends an existing cease and desist zone that was due to expire on November 30, 2007. It does not otherwise duplicate, overlap or conflict with any other state or federal requirement.
    8. Alternatives:
    DOS did not identify any alternative that would provide relief for homeowners and, at the same time, be less restrictive and less burdensome on the solicitation activities of real estate brokers and salespersons. Consideration was given to the adoption of a non-solicitation order pursuant to RPL section 442-h(2)(a). However, DOS concluded that a cease and desist order could provide homeowners with relief from intense and repeated solicitation without imposing the more restrictive and burdensome regulation of a non-solicitation order, which would prohibit all direct solicitation activities within the non-solicitation zone.
    DOS also considered allowing the prior cease and desist order to expire in November 2007, and/or to not expand the prior cease and desist zone. It was determined, however, that allowing the order to expire, and/or failing to expand the prior zone, would have resulted in homeowners in the affected areas continuing to be subject to unwanted intense and repeated solicitation to sell their homes.
    DOS did not consider any other alternatives.
    9. Federal standards:
    There are no federal standards addressing the subject of this rule making.
    10. Compliance schedule:
    Real estate licensees currently are required to comply with 19 NYCRR Part 175.17(c)(2). The original cease and desist zone contained in that part and addressed in this rule making expired on November 30, 2007, and had been in place for five years. DOS has extended this cease and desist zone by means of two 90-day emergency rule makings — the first took effect on November 26, 2007, and the second has been effective since February 25, 2008. Therefore, regulated parties currently are complying with the requirements proposed in this rule making.
    Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
    1. Effect of rule:
    This rule would extend and expand an existing cease and desist zone, and thereby would prohibit real estate brokers and salespersons from soliciting any resident within that zone that does not wish to be solicited. The defined cease and desist zone would be the Mill Basin area of Brooklyn, New York, which includes the communities of Mill Basin, Mill Island, Bergen Beach, Futurama, Marine Park and Madison Marine. This rule will apply to most of the 11,926 real estate brokers and salespeople that have offices in Brooklyn, and many of these licensees in turn are small businesses, or are associated with small businesses Real estate brokers and salespersons will remain free, however, to solicit listings from other residents in the defined zone and to participate in regulated transactions within the zone. Insofar as the rule making seeks to extend and expand an existing cease and desist zone, it is not anticipated that the solicitation limitations will place an undue financial burden or impose a hardship on real estate brokers and salespersons.
    The rule does not apply to local governments.
    2. Compliance requirements:
    The Department of State (DOS) publishes and makes available a list of residents within cease and desist zones who have notified the Department that they do not wish to be solicited by real estate brokers and salespersons. These lists are made available to real estate brokers and salespersons. To comply with the rule, these licensees need only refer to the list prior to soliciting listings from homeowners within the defined cease and desist zone.
    3. Professional services:
    Small businesses will not need professional services in order to comply with this rule.
    4. Compliance costs:
    Licensees will not incur any significant compliance costs associated with this rule. DOS publishes a free list of all cease and desist lists on its website at no cost. Licensees who desire a hard copy of the lists may notify DOS and receive a copy of the list by mail for a cost of $10.00.
    5. Economic and technological feasibility:
    Small businesses will not incur any additional costs or require technical expertise as a result of the implementation of this rule.
    6. Minimizing adverse economic impact:
    DOS did not identify any alternative that would provide relief for homeowners and, at the same time, be less restrictive and less burdensome on the solicitation activities of real estate brokers and salespersons. Consideration was given to the adoption of a non-solicitation order pursuant to section 442-h(2)(a) of the Real Property Law. However, DOS concluded that a cease and desist order could provide homeowners with relief from intense and repeated solicitation without imposing the more restrictive and more burdensome regulation of a non-solicitation order, which would prohibit all direct solicitation activities within the non-solicitation zone. Consequently, in order to minimize the adverse economic impact of this rule, the Secretary of State decided to adopt the cease and desist order rather than a non-solicitation order.
    7. Small business and local government participation:
    On September 6, 2007, DOS held a public hearing at Junior High School 78 in Brooklyn to consider proposing this rule making. The hearing was publicized in advance and was open to all interested parties. Representatives of local community boards, State and local elected officials, and consumers attended and provided evidence of the need to extend and expand the then-existing cease and desist zone. One real estate professional attended but did not offer any comment other than having a general interest in the hearing. In addition, DOS kept the hearing record open in order to permit individuals and businesses to submit written testimony and evidence after the open public hearing.
    Rural Area Flexibility Analysis
    1. Types and estimated numbers of rural areas:
    This rule does not apply to rural areas and, rather, applies only to a defined geographic area within the County of Kings.
    2. Reporting, recordkeeping and other compliance requirements:
    This rule, which applies only to a portion of urban Kings County, does not impose any reporting and record-keeping requirements on licensees located within rural areas.
    3. Costs:
    The rule does not impose any costs on rural areas.
    4. Minimizing adverse impact:
    Insofar as the rule does not impose any costs on rural areas, no alternatives to minimize adverse impacts were considered by the Department of State.
    5. Rural area participation:
    Insofar as the rule does not apply to rural areas, rural area participation was not solicited by the Department of State.
    Job Impact Statement
    This rule will not have any substantial adverse impact on jobs and employment opportunities. The rule merely prohibits real estate brokers and salespersons from soliciting real estate listings from residents of a defined geographic zone who have notified the Department of State that they do not wish to be solicited. Real estate brokers and salespersons will remain free to solicit other residents within the defined zone and to engage in real estate transactions within and outside of the defined geographic area.

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