Notice_of_Availability_of_State_and_Federal_Funds Notice of Availability of State and Federal Funds  

  • 9/10/08 N.Y. St. Reg. Notice of Availability of State and Federal Funds
    September 10, 2008
    52 Washington Street Rensselaer, NY 12180
    Programs that Project Goals of Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped
    Contracts will be awarded statewide to bidders whose proposal meet the RFQ minimum Pass/Fail criteria for programs that continue the project goals of the Commission for the Blind and Visually Handicapped (CBVH) , a division of the New York State Office of Children and Family Services as follows: 1) provide Job Placement services to those legally blind consumers referred from CBVH; and 2) provide Diagnostic Vocational Evaluations to CBVH referred consumers who are legally blind. The Commission proposes to award contracts statewide. Bidders may submit proposals to provide either one or both of these services.
    Applications will be accepted through: 10/15/08
    • Number of dollars or items. Approximately $1.67 M per year is available for this program statewide
    • Application restrictions (if any). Bidders should keep in mind that Award of a contract pursuant to this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) will NOT guarantee the successful bidder(s) any referrals or related payment from CBVH over the term of the contract. Thus, there is no guarantee of referrals and/or payments from any contract awarded pursuant to this RFQ. Payment to successful bidders will be based on attainment of successful outcomes as a result of the provision of services to the consumers referred from CBVH. The contract term for these services will be January 1, 2009-December 31, 2013.
    • Any miscellaneous information you feel might assist the readers in determining whether or not they should request an application for this particular grant. Successful bidders will be expected to have the capacity to provide these services to CBVH consumers based upon referrals from CBVH. Bidders must indicate counties that they are able to serve.
    For an application contact: Kenneth Galarneau at the above address or call (518) 474–7812/ fax: (518) 486–5819, The NewYork State Office of Children and Family Services (NYS OCFS) maintains an ONLINE Bidders List (OBL) for use in announcing OCFS procurement opportunties. The NYS OCFS OBL can be found at If you wish to receive announcements of this procurement and future procurement opportunities, and be able to download solicitation documents, you must register on the OBL and associate yourself with an organization. If you are unable to download solicitation documents, requests for documents must submitted in writing to the above contact person.
    Four Tower Place Albany, NY 12203–3764
    S.T.O.P. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Formula Grant Funds
    The Division is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to distribute approximately $5,142,495 Federal funding for S.T.O.P. Violence Against Women programming. Applications must fall within one of the approved Federal and State Program Purposes. Only current VAWA grantees are eligible to apply for funding under this RFP. Proposals will be accepted through October 27, 2008 via the DCJS Grants Management System (GMS). Please visit the DCJS website at for information regarding the RFP and application.
    Hampton Plaza 38-40 State Street Albany, NY 12207
    Small Projects Program
    Funding is available to New York State not-for-profit organizations (including not-for-profit subsidiaries of housing authorities) proposing Small Projects (as defined below) under the New York State Housing Trust Fund Corporation's (HTFC) Small Projects Program (SPP).
    DESCRIPTION: Application packages for the Small Projects Program are available at NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) Regional Offices listed below and from the DHCR web site.
    Prospective applicants must schedule a pre-application meeting with the nearest DHCR Regional Office at least sixty (60) days prior to submitting a SPP application.
    SPP applications will be accepted only at the following address:
    NYS Division of Housing and Community Renewal
    Office of Community Development
    Hampton Plaza - 6th Floor
    38-40 State Street
    Albany, NY 12207
    Individuals who hand deliver applications must have picture identification and a transmittal letter, on organization letterhead, stating their name and authorizing that person to deliver the application. Applications delivered by commercial carrier must have a complete and legible return address. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in an application not being accepted.
    AVAILABLE FUNDS: Applications for the Small Projects Program funding will be accepted on a continuous basis contingent on funding availability.
    • HTFC expects to have approximately $5,000,000 available for SPP projects. Funds will be awarded only to not-for-profit organizations that will sponsor, develop and own a project once the project is completed and that will have a defined role in the management of the completed project.
    The Housing Trust Fund Corporation reserves the right to award all, a portion of, or none of the program funds based upon funding availability, the feasibility of the applications received and the applicant's ability to meet Housing Trust Fund Corporation criteria for funding.
    Applications are selected for funding based upon an evaluation process which includes completeness, eligibility, rating and feasibility reviews. Awards will be made to projects in compliance with all pertinent statutory requirements.
    SPP applications seeking financing from the Housing Trust Fund program (HTF) shall not request more than $125,000 per unit. HTF funds requested under a SPP application may be used for construction or permanent financing.
    An application for SPP funding cannot include State or Federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits as a financing source.
    Small Projects Program financing is available only for the construction or rehabilitation of residential rental units.
    The size of the proposed project shall be no more than fifteen (15) units. No civic or commercial space may be financed with these funds, but civic and commercial space is permissible if it is funded by a non-SPP source.
    For applications requesting over $100,000 for construction costs only, HTFC requires contractors and awardees to make affirmative efforts to ensure that New York State certified Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises have opportunities for meaningful participation on projects awarded funds in accordance with Section 312 of Article 15 A of the Executive Law.
    NOTE: Amendments to the Low-Income Housing Trust Fund Statute, Chapter 199 of the Laws of 2008, made significant changes to the HTF Program. The legislation makes fully occupied residential properties eligible for funding, provided the properties are distressed and their rehabilitation would preserve affordable housing. When converting a non-residential property to residential, the non-residential property no longer has to be 100% vacant, provided it is underutilized. The legislation increases the HTF funding cap from $100,000 to $125,000 per unit. In addition, the amended statute allows for up to 10% of the residential component of an HTF award to be used for a community service facility (CSF) and up to 50 percent of an HTF award may be used to fund the acquisition costs of a project. Because of the limited amount of SPP funds available, HTFC policy for this application round will give preference to those SPP applications which do not contain a CSF component and which have limited the acquisition cost to 25% or less of the SPP request.
    For a paper copy of the application and/or technical assistance for all application preparation, contact one of the Regional Offices listed below:
    Capital District Regional Office
    Hampton Plaza, 2nd Floor
    38-40 State Street
    Albany, NY 12207
    Telephone: (518) 486–5012
    Lynn Kopka, Regional Director
    Buffalo Regional Office
    535 Washington Street
    Suite 105
    Buffalo, NY 14203
    Telephone: (716) 847-7955
    Thomas H. Van Nortwick, Regional Director
    Syracuse Regional Office
    620 Erie Boulevard West, Suite 312
    Syracuse, NY 13204
    Telephone: (315) 478-7179, ext. 200
    Daniel Buyer, Regional Director
    New York City Regional Office
    25 Beaver St., 7th Floor
    New York, NY 10004
    Telephone: (212) 480-4543
    Gregory Watson, Regional Director
    Office of Community Renewal 38–40 State Street, 9th Floor Albany, NY 12207
    New York Main Street Program Fall 2008
    Section 1: Introduction, Background, and Purpose
    1.1 Introduction
    The 2008-09 New York State Budget included historic increases in funding for New York's housing and community development programs. These new resources will help build and preserve affordable housing and revitalize communities all across the state and increase the effectiveness of important state programs that provide a wide variety of services and investments. The enacted budget provided $5 million in bonded capital to the NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation to supplement the New York State Main Street Program for 2008-2009. Furthermore, the NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation will add $1.4 million in previously allocated program resources, for a total of $6.4 million in funding made available for application by this Request for Proposals (RFP).
    The NYS Housing Trust Fund Corporation invites eligible applicants to apply for assistance under the New York Main Street Program. Potential applicants are encouraged to review program details to ensure that this funding source appropriately addresses your community development challenges. This RFP describes the program to which you may apply and explains the process, including the method used to accept, evaluate and rate applications for funding. Additional materials and information is available, such as: NYMS Program Application Instructions; CD On-Line (CDOL) Instructions and; NYMS Reference Materials at or by contacting the Office of Community Renewal at (518) 474-2057.
    1.2 Background
    The New York Main Street Program (NYMS) is administered by the Office of Community Renewal (OCR) under the direction of the New York State Housing Trust Fund Corporation (HTFC). HTFC contracts with the Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR) to administer the Corporation's activities and manage its affairs. NYMS provides funds to stimulate reinvestment in properties located within mixed-use commercial districts located in urban, small town, and rural areas of New York State, consistent with Articles 16A and 17B of the Private Housing Finance Law (PHFL). Since its inception in 2004, NYMS has awarded over $42 million dollars in more than 150 communities across the State.
    1.3 Statement of Purpose and Goals
    HTFC is seeking proposals from eligible applicants for funding from NYMS for the purpose of assisting New York communities with their Main Street and downtown revitalization efforts. NYMS provides grants to stimulate reinvestment in mixed-use (commercial-civic-residential) "main street" buildings or neighborhoods in order to:
    • Stimulate the economic revitalization of mixed-use business centers in urban, small town, and rural areas by providing financial incentives for the rehabilitation of traditional commercial building stock;
    • Foster small business development, thereby providing economic opportunities and promoting economic activity in traditional downtown or neighborhood business location;
    • Expand affordable housing opportunities in mixed-use districts, including accessible upper floor units and new homeownership opportunities;
    • Increase the capacity of local government and community-based not-for-profit organizations to undertake community renewal programs at the local level and market the district to prospective businesses and residents;
    • Facilitate an effective planning process that ensures that capital investments of public funds will enhance the aesthetics and economics of the commercial district through appropriate design that respects the historic architecture of the target area;
    • Preserve significant or historic buildings and provide an environment that attracts new investment to enable the adaptive reuse of these buildings for new Main Street enterprises;
    • Address issues of code enforcement, energy efficiency, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and fair housing to bring vacant commercial space into code compliance, so that it can be utilized by new businesses.
    Section 2: Program Information and General Application Requirements
    2.1 Funding Availability and Eligible Applicants
    HTFC expects to make up to $6.4 million in funds available to eligible applicants under this RFP. Eligible applicants are invited to submit proposals for funding requests ranging from a minimum of $50,000 to a maximum of $500,000.
    To be eligible, applicants must be a unit of general local government or an organization incorporated under the NYS Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, which includes community-based organizations, business improvement districts, and other similar entities that have been providing relevant service to the community for at least one year prior to application. Funded applicants will act as a Local Program Administrator (LPA). An LPA assumes responsibility for ensuring successful completion of all assisted projects; evaluating and selecting activities to be supported; entering into contracts with participating property owners; and assuring compliance with all local, state and federal laws and regulations. HTFC encourages collaborative efforts between municipalities and local not-for-profits to achieve the goals and objectives of this program.
    HTFC reserves the right to award all, a portion of, or none of the program funds based upon funding availability, competitiveness of applications received and the feasibility of achieving program goals and objectives and completing proposed activities. HTFC also reserves the right to change or disallow aspects of the applications and may make such changes conditions of its commitment to provide funding to a project or program.
    Requests for funds from successful applicants may only be submitted upon completion of activity-related work on a reimbursement basis. Activities funded by the New York Main Street Program are subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act and for compliance with the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation for properties eligible for the historic register.
    2.2 Administrative Funds
    Funds are available to administer the main street and downtown revitalization projects funded with the state fiscal assistance provided under this RFP in accordance with the 2008-2009 NYS Enacted Budget. Administrative funds shall not exceed 7.5% of the award.
    2.3 Program and Activity Description
    Eligible applicants are invited to submit applications for funding for one or more of the following activities:
    • Building Renovation: Grants to building owners for renovation of first floor commercial or civic space up to $30,000 per building, plus up to an additional $30,000 for each renovated residential unit, not to exceed 75% of the total project cost or $120,000 per building, whichever is less. Building renovation grants may be used for facade renovations and interior or exterior work. All work must comply with the standards of locally adopted design guidelines and the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation for properties eligible for the historic register. If the facade does not meet design standards as noted above, a facade renovation will be required.
    • Downtown Anchors: Grants to building owners of up to $500,000 per building, but not exceeding 33% of project cost, to help establish or expand cultural, civic or business anchors that are identified in a local plan as key to local revitalization efforts. A comprehensive business plan for the proposed downtown anchor is a required addendum for all applications that propose funding for anchor projects. Incorporating residential units on the upper floors is strongly encouraged and those projects will receive priority consideration.
    • Streetscape Enhancement: Grants of up to $25,000 for streetscape enhancement activities such as: planting trees and other landscaping; installing of street furniture and trash cans; providing appropriate signs in accordance with a local signage plan; and performing other appurtenant activities to enhance the NYMS target area. Applicants must demonstrate how the improvements will enhance residential and commercial conditions in the target area. Distinctive street lighting may be eligible for funding where applicants can demonstrate that it is not an ordinary expense of the existing unit of local government. A streetscape enhancement grant will only be awarded if it is ancillary to building renovation or downtown anchor activities.
    2.4 Program Target Area
    The proposed activities must be carried out in a target area of generally no more than three contiguous blocks which has experienced sustained physical deterioration, decay, neglect, or disinvestment, and has a number of substandard buildings or vacant residential or commercial units. Proposed target areas must be located within a service area where more than 50% of the residents earn less than 80% of the area median income for the surrounding community. Relevant, current, and verifiable data, including but not limited to the most recent Census data pertaining to the target area,
    Also, proposed target areas included in an area that has been designated by a state or federal agency as eligible for the purposes of a community or economic development program will be considered eligible for funding under the NYMS program. Proposed target areas that are in or eligible as a Neighborhood or Rural Preservation Company service area are considered eligible for NYMS purposes.
    The target area should be an established mixed-use (commercial, civic and residential) district that is pedestrian-oriented and comprised of traditional mixed-use buildings. Buildings within the district or the district itself may be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places or for local or state historic designation.
    2.5 Design Guidelines
    Successful applicants are expected to develop design guidelines for building facade renovations, if the municipality does not already require projects to undergo an architectural or design review process. Design guidelines will help to ensure that facade renovations are done in a manner that respects the architecture of the buildings being renovated and to ensure that renovations are consistent with the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation standards,
    Section 3: Evaluation and Selection Criteria
    3.1 General Review Criteria
    Proposals will be examined for completeness and eligibility. Incomplete proposals and those that do not meet eligibility requirements will be rejected.
    All awards will be selected through a competitive process. HTFC will take into consideration the following community development goals, including but not limited to: preservation of affordable housing; community and neighborhood revitalization; expansion of economic opportunities; and collaboration with other local, state or federal agencies and the local development community.
    Applications requesting funds for the rehabilitation of partially or fully occupied properties must demonstrate that the proposed work will have the effect of correcting substandard conditions that preclude lawful occupancy of the units in their current condition (i.e. code violations)
    3.2 Past Performance and Timeliness
    If the applicant is a current awardee and LPA of an open, on-going NYMS contract and substantial expenditure or funding commitments have not been achieved it would negatively impact the rating and ranking of its application. An applicant's past and current performance in other state programs and contracts will be considered in rating and ranking its application. HTFC reserves the right to not issue an award to any applicant if it has been determined that the applicant is not in compliance with existing state contracts and has not taken satisfactory steps to remedy such non-compliance.
    3.3 Rating, Ranking and Scoring
    Each application is scored competitively on criteria derived from statutory, regulatory and policy considerations. Ratings are based on general review criteria, performance and timeliness, and application response and materials received as a result of this RFP. Each NYMS application that is determined to be complete and eligible will be scored on a one hundred (100) point scale, based on the following:
    A) Need (up to 30 points) - Measures the severity of need for the proposed Main Street activities, based on the analysis of existing commercial and residential conditions in the target area. The needs described must correspond to the proposed activities and the extent to which the activity resolves or addresses the identified need, as this will form the basis for the impact score in the following section. Each application will be rated in comparison with all other applications received.
    (1) Residential need (up to 15 points) - Evaluates the severity of need for affordable housing or rehabilitation of the existing housing stock and vacant buildings in the proposed target area. This evaluation will be measured by the ability of low- and moderate-income households to rent or purchase housing in the target area. Included in this analysis should be housing availability for median-income residents and the extent of substandard housing in the target area, based on measures such as age, extent of known deficiencies, and health, safety, and code violations.
    (2) Commercial need (up to 15 points) - Evaluates the extent of need for commercial investment in the proposed target area that the private sector alone has been unable to provide. This evaluation will be based on objective measures of need, such as commercial vacancy rates, degree and history of disinvestment, unemployment, and other socio-economic and labor market data provided by the applicant. Applicants that empirically demonstrate substantial need for private investment in proposed target area will receive the highest scores.
    B) Impact (up to 40 points) - Measures the extent to which the activities described in the application will have a positive public benefit and sustainable positive impact on the target area and surrounding community and neighborhoods. In part, this rating is based on the proposed strategy of using NYMS resources to stimulate private investment to revitalize the targeted commercial area and nearby residential neighborhoods. The following components are evaluated:
    (1) Residential (up to 10 points) - Evaluates the likelihood that investment of NYMS funds will preserve or improve housing units in the Main Street district. Projects or programs that propose meeting affordable housing needs in the target area through the creation of residential units on upper floors of mixed use buildings are strongly encouraged. Applications determined to have the greatest impact on increasing the availability of quality, affordable housing, when compared with all other applications, will receive the highest scores.
    (2) Commercial (up to 10 points) - Evaluates the likelihood that investment of NYMS funds will improve the aesthetics of the Main Street commercial corridor, spur investment of private resources, and mobilize additional resources to sustain Main Street physical and commercial assets. Applications determined to have the greatest impact on business conditions, when compared with all other applications, will receive the highest scores.
    Applications proposing to use funds for downtown anchor projects will also be rated on the viability of the business plan for operating the anchor facility and its supporting market analysis.
    (3) Local Initiative (up to 5 points) - Rates the degree to which the proposal relies on building consensus and cooperation among groups and individuals who have a role in the revitalization process. The existence of active community-based downtown revitalization efforts will enhance an applicant's score in this area. Also evaluated is the likelihood that the activities will have positive community development impacts beyond residential and commercial development. Consideration will be given to the presence of fund-raising programs, volunteer involvement, staff and board recruitment, community planning activities, and overall management capacity. Also considered are linkages to other state and federal initiatives, and to local planning and development efforts, and general public support.
    (4) Communication, Outreach and Marketing (up to 5 points) – Applications that demonstrate a viable strategy for marketing and promotion of the district's assets to attract new customers, potential investors and residents will receive the highest scores. Emphasis is placed on marketing campaigns, retail promotional activity, advertising, special events, and residential marketing efforts.
    (5) Design (up to 5 points) – Proposals in communities that have existing design standards and have identified the necessary resources to work with building owners to enhance the physical appearance of the commercial area by the preservation of historic buildings and developing sensitive design management systems, will receive the highest scores. Consideration is also given to district-wide visual enhancement efforts, such as: programs for window displays; uniform signage; and improvements to public spaces, such as streets, sidewalks, parking areas, and gateways.
    (6) Business Strategy (up to 5 points) - Applications must demonstrate a viable strategy for retaining and assisting existing businesses, attracting new customers, potential investors and residents, and finding new commercial uses for traditional buildings in the district. Applicants that demonstrate the capacity to grow the district's existing economic base to find new opportunities, while meeting the challenges of commercial sprawl will receive the highest scores. Consideration is also given to applicants who demonstrate a strong understanding of current economic conditions in the district, identify opportunities for market growth, and provide plans for monitoring the economic performance of the district.
    C) Leveraging (up to 10 points) - Measures the extent to which the NYMS resources will result in additional investments committed to the local Main Street program and projects.
    (1) Private/Public Investment (up to 10 points) - Applicants who show that the amount of private or public funds committed to the proposed project (beyond match requirements) is equal to or greater than 50% of the amount of NYMS fund requested will receive ten points. Applicants citing lesser amounts of private funds will receive a lesser score.
    D) Capacity (up to 20 points) - Measures the extent to which the applicant has organized the proposed project and has assembled sufficient resources to complete the project in a timely and effective manner and on-budget to achieve the goal and objectives of the program.
    (1) Program Experience and Implementation Capacity (up to 15 points) - Up to 15 points for performance history are available to applicants who are administering an open NYMS contract where substantial expenditure or funding commitments have been achieved and sufficient progress has been made. These points are also available to applicants who have successfully and effectively completed previous NYMS contract obligations.
    Applicants who have not previously participated in the NYMS program but who have a successful record of achievement within the community where the proposed Main Street target area is located, and have assembled a team with experience in community development, housing rehabilitation, or commercial revitalization in mixed-use districts on a scale comparable to the proposed program or projects will be eligible for up to fifteen points as well.
    (2) Readiness (up to 5 points) – Proposals that have identified specific projects, obtained local approvals, and have necessary organizational structures and procedures in place to implement the proposed projects or programs, without delay, will be eligible for up to five points.
    Section 4: Application Deadline and Submission Requirements
    4.1 Application Submission Deadline
    Applications must be submitted on or before 5:00 PM, EST – Wednesday, November 12, 2008. Applications received after the stated deadline will be considered to be late submissions and will be returned to the applicant.
    4.2 Instructions for Submission
    Applications will be available electronically using the Community Development Web Application System, CDOL, and should be submitted as such at
    In order to use CDOL, applicants must be registered in DHCR's Statewide Housing Activity Reporting System (SHARS), and have designated a Security Manager for their organization. The Security Manager will serve as the individual who authorizes and monitors access to CDOL for the applicant's organization.
    If you are a registered SHARS applicant, but have not previously registered to use CDOL, you may submit a Security Manager Registration Form (see CDOL under Community Development 2008 Unified Funding Materials) to DHCR, which allows access to the CDOL. Complete and return the Security Manager Registration Form with an original authorized signature to the address specified on the Form and you will be e-mailed a user ID and temporary password with which to access CDOL.
    If your organization has not previously applied to DHCR for funding, you must complete and submit an Applicant Registration Form so that you may be registered as a SHARS Applicant. The form contains a section to designate a Security Manager for your organization. DHCR staff will register your organization and Security Manager and e-mailed a user ID and password to access CDOL.
    Applicants who previously used CDOL to apply to HTFC for funding will still be registered, and may use CDOL with the user ID and password previously assigned to them. If you have forgotten your password, you may go to CDOL and enter your user ID and e-mail address and you will be e-mailed a password. If you have changed your e-mail address since you first registered as a CDOL user, and you cannot remember your password, or if you have forgotten your user ID, please either call the MSR Unit at (518) 486-5000, or e-mail: for assistance.
    All application exhibits and attachments submitted through CDOL must be electronically certified by an authorized representative of the applicant's organization. The person who will certify the application must be set up in CDOL as a user for your organization. The Security Manager may add the certifier by logging into CDOL, clicking on User Maintenance, selecting your organization, adding or accessing the name of the person who will certify, and clicking the box that says "Authorized to Sign Certification." When the application exhibits are complete, validated and ready to be submitted, the certifier must log in to CDOL, complete the certification, and submit the application exhibits. Required application attachments must also be certified prior to submission. Applicants should refer to the Application Instructions to determine the specific Exhibits and Attachments required.
    Applications must be submitted to CDOL on or before 5:00 PM, EST – Wednesday, November 12, 2008, any applications received after the stated deadline will be considered to be late submissions and will be returned to the applicant.
    Section 5: Program Award Process
    5.1 Award Recommendations and HTFC Board Approval
    Recommendations for awards are made from available funds for feasible projects and programs competitively based on the ranking that results from rating scores of complete and eligible applications in consideration of the purposes and goals outlined in Section 1.3, geographical distribution of funds, and the evaluation and selection criteria detailed in Section 3 of this RFP Recommendations advanced to the HTFC Board of Directors for consideration at a public meeting and the NYMS awards must be approved by the HTFC Board of Directors prior to the execution of a grant agreement.
    5.2 Application Status and Notification
    Applicants for this round of NYMS will be notified approximately 60 calendar days after the application submission deadline. Upon action by the HTFC, applicants will receive one of the following letters:
    a. Award Letter: for applications selected for funding. These applications are complete, eligible, competitive and feasible, for which funds are set aside, and are recommended to and approved by the HTFC Board of Directors for funding.
    b. Non-Award Letter: for applications that are incomplete, non-competitive, not viable and/or funded with other proposed funding sources.
    c. Ineligible Letter: for submitted applications which are ineligible for funding under this program.
    Applicants not selected for funding have the opportunity to review application evaluations Applicants should schedule an appointment with the Office of Community Renewal to review their application its evaluation. Additionally, technical assistance is available throughout the program year for unsuccessful and potential applicants through OCR.
    5.3 New York Main Street Program Agreements and Contracts
    Applicants selected for funding may be asked to revise parts of their proposal prior to issuance of a program agreement. After any required revisions are submitted and approved, an agreement will be issued. HTFC will not process disbursement requests until all required environmental reviews are completed. Funds awarded under the NYMS program are disbursed on a reimbursement basis upon completion of work. NYMS program agreements/contracts are based a two (2) year term. Projects and programs are expected to be completed and outcomes achieved within the contract term.
    5.4 Equal Employment Opportunity/Minority and Women Owned Business and Affirmative Action Policy Statement
    Under Article 15A of the New York State Executive Law, all award recipients and their contractors are required to comply with the equal employment opportunity provisions of Section 312 of that Article. Also, all contractors and awardees are required to make affirmative efforts to ensure that New York State Certified Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises are afforded opportunities for meaningful participation in projects funded by HTFC pursuant to Section 313 of the Article.
    Affirmative Action Policy Statement: It is the policy of the HTFC to provide equal opportunity to all people without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, disability, or sexual orientation.
    5.5 Implementation Meeting
    Applicants selected for funding may be required to participate in a program implementation meeting. The program implementation meeting may be conducted individually, or in a group setting with other successful applicants. Any program issues may discussed, and applicants will be given instructions and guidance on further processing requirements.
    5.6 Processing Time Frames
    HTFC expects to enter into program agreement within 30 business days of the applicant's compliance with all submission requirements.
    5.7 Questions
    Any questions regarding this RFP or the application process should be directed to:
    Office of Community Renewal
    Hampton Plaza
    38-40 State Street, 9th floor
    Albany, NY 12207-2804
    (518) 474-2057
    5.8 Proposal Costs
    HTFC will not be held liable for any cost incurred by the applicant for work performed in the preparation, production, or submission of a proposal. All proposal materials and information that is submitted as part of the application becomes the sole property of HTFC and no materials, binders, curricula, media or other content will be returned to the applicant.
    5.9 Other Conditions
    HTFC reserves the right to:
    • HTFC reserves the right to award applicants less than their full funding requests.
    • Reject any and all proposals received.
    • Waive or modify minor irregularities in proposals upon notification to the applicant.
    • Adjust or correct any arithmetical errors in the proposal.
    • Recieve clarification from the applicant for the purpose of assuring a full understanding of responsiveness to the RFP solicitation.
    • Utilize any and all ideas submitted in the proposal received unless such ideas are covered by legal copyright, patent or property rights, and HTFC is notified in the proposal submission.
    • Adopt or utilize all or any part of the proposal.
    • Negotiate with the applicant to serve the best interest of HTFC.
    • All proposals, upon submission to HTFC, shall become HTFC property for use as deemed appropriate.
    Bernard Fineson DDSO 80-45 Winchester Boulevard P.O. Box 280507 Queens Village, NY 11428–0507
    Enhanced Supported Employment Pilot Project “RFP”
    Request for Proposals (RFP) for OMRDD "ENHANCED SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PILOT PROJECT" (September 2008). This pilot program is designed to promote innovative employment strategies to assist people with developmental disabilities who may require additional supports to acquire and retain employment in the community.
    Eligible Applicants: Must be incorporated in New York State as a not-for-profit corporation and authorized to provide Home and Community Based Waiver Services to people with mental retardation/developmental disabilities.
    Proposals due to the Bernard Fineson DDSO (Attn. Francina Branch) by 4:00 PM on December 19, 2008.
    Important Note: For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact: Francina Branch at 718-217-6179, Sheila Gholson at 718-217-6117 at Bernard Fineson DDSO.
    This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the necessary information to respond to the RFP.
    Bernard Fineson DDSO of the State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities announces the availability of funding to Enhanced Supported Employment funding to eligible voluntary provider agencies.
    Bernard Fineson DDSO's Resource Allocation is $1,061,000 for a minimum of 56 opportunities.
    Important: For questions please contact Francina Branch at 718-217-6179 or Sheila Gholson at 718-217-6117
    Important Note: For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact Francina Branch at 718-217-6179 or Sheila Gholson at 718-217-6117. This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the necessary information to respond to the RFP.
    Michelle Boyd Brooklyn DDSO 888 Fountain Avenue Building 1-122 Brooklyn, NY 11208
    Enhanced Supported Employment Pilot Project “RFP”
    Request for Proposals (RFP) for OMRDD "ENHANCED SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PILOT PROJECT" (September 2008). This pilot program is designed to promote innovative employment strategies to assist people with developmental disabilities who may require additional supports to acquire and retain employment in the community.
    Eligible Applicants: Must be incorporated in New York State as a not-for-profit corporation and authorized to provide Home and Community Based Waiver Services to people with mental retardation/developmental disabilities.
    Proposals due to the Brooklyn DDSO (Attn. Mrs. Michelle Boyd) by 4:00 PM on December 19, 2008.
    Important Note: For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact: Michelle Boyd at 718-642-8675. This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the necessary information to respond to the RFP.
    The Brooklyn DDSO of the State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities announces the availability of funding to Enhanced Supported Employment funding to eligible voluntary provider agencies.
    Brooklyn DDSO's Enhanced SEMP funding Allocation is $1,550,000 for a minimum of 82 opportunities.
    Important Note: For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact Michelle Boyd at 718-642-8675. This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the necessary information to respond to the RFP.
    Broome Developmental Disabilities Services Office 229-231 State Street - 1st Floor Binghamton, NY 13901
    Enhanced Supported Employment Pilot Project “RFP”
    The Broome DDSO announces the availability of $321,000 of new funding for Enhanced Supported Employment to eligible voluntary provider agencies with a maximum number of opportunities of 20. The Broome DDSO region includes the following counties that will be covered under this RFP: Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Otsego, Tioga, Tompkins.
    Request for Proposals (RFP) for OMRDD "ENHANCED SUPORTED EMPLOYMENT PILOT PROJECT" (September 2008). This pilot program is designed to promote innovative employment strategies to assist people with developmental disabilities who may require additional supports to acquire and retain employment in the community. Individuals selected will require a highly intensive combination of job coaching and other personalized supports for prolonged periods of time before these supports can begin to be decreased. Potential candidates may have multiple disabilities and barriers to employment and can fall into one or more of the following groups:
    1) People who wish to move from congregate day programs such as sheltered employment, pre-vocational and day habilitations.
    2) Are recent high school graduates who have been unable to secure and/or maintain community employment
    3) People who live at home and do not receive any services during the day.
    Eligible Applicants: Must be incorporated in New York State as a not-for-profit corporation and authorized to provide Home and Community Based Waiver Services to the mentally retarded/developmentally disabled.
    Proposals will be accepted if postmarked no later than December 19, 2008. This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the necessary information to respond to the RFP.
    Important Note: For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact Ms. Theresa Tonkin at: Broome DDSO, Community Fiscal Supports Unit at the above address or call (607) 771-7784 x153, e-mail:
    Capital District DDSO 500 Balltown Road Building 10 Schenectady, NY 12304
    Enhanced Supported Employment Pilot Project “RFP”
    Request for Proposals (RFP) for OMRDD "ENHANCED SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PILOT PROJECT" (September 2008). This pilot program is designed to promote innovative employment strategies to assist people with developmental disabilities who may require additional supports to acquire and retain employment in the community.
    Eligible Applicants: Must be incorporated in New York State as a not-for-profit corporation and authorized to provide Home and Community Based Waiver Services to people with mental retardation/developmental disabilities.
    Proposals due to the Capital District DDSO (Attn. Anne Lume) by 3:00 PM on December 19, 2008.
    Important Note: For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact: Anne Lume, 518-370-7582 at Capital District DDSO.
    This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the necessary information to respond to the RFP.
    Capital District DDSO of the State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities announces the availability of funding to Enhanced Supported Employment funding to eligible voluntary provider agencies.
    Capital District DDSO's Resource Allocation is $1,028,000 for a minimum of 64 opportunities.
    Important: For questions please contact Anne Lume at 518-370-7582
    Central NY DSO 800 S. Wilbur Avenue Syracuse, NY 13204
    Enhanced Supported Employment Pilot Project “RFP”
    Request for Proposals (RFP) for OMRDD "ENHANCED SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PILOT PROJECT" (September 2008). This pilot program is designed to promote innovative employment strategies to assist people with developmental disabilities who may require additional supports to acquire and retain employment in the community.
    The resource allocation for services in the CNY DSO is $801,000 to serve a minimum of 50 individuals.
    Eligible Applicants: Must be incorporated in New York State as a not-for-profit corporation and authorized to provide Home and Community Based Waiver Services to people with mental retardation/developmental disabilities.
    Proposals due to the CNY DSO (Attn. Tom Nelson) by 5:00 PM on December 19, 2008.
    Important Note: This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the necessary information to respond to the RFP. For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact: Thomas Nelson at 315-473-6653 or William Bird at 315-336-2300
    Any questions regarding this announcement should be referred to Mr. Nelson or Mr. Bird at the phone numbers listed above.
    Finger Lakes DDSO 620 Westfall Road Rochester, NY 14620
    Enhanced Supported Employment Pilot Project “RFP”
    Eligible Applicants: Must be incorporated in New York State as a not-for-profit corporation and authorized to provide Home and Community Based Waiver Services to the mentally retarded/developmentally disabled.
    Request for Proposals (RFP) for:
    OMRDD "ENHANCED SUPORTED EMPLOYMENT PILOT PROJECT" (September 2008) This pilot program is designed to promote innovative employment strategies to assist people with developmental disabilities who may require additional supports to acquire and retain employment in the community.
    Proposals are due to the Finger Lakes DDSO, 620 Westfall Road, Suite 108, Rochester, NY 14620 (Attn. Mr. Dan Wrensen) no later than 10:00 AM on December 19, 2008.
    Finger Lakes DDSO announces the availability of funding for Enhanced Supported Employment funding to eligible voluntary provider agencies effective 4/1/09. Finger Lakes DDSO has $978,000 available to provide a minimum of 61 enhanced Supported Employment opportunities to assist people with developmental disabilities who may require additional supports to acquire and retain employment in the community. The funding will be available to serve the following counties: Chemung, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne, Wyoming and Yates. The purpose of this pilot program is to promote innovative employment strategies for people with developmental disabilities who have not been able to work through the use of "traditional" intensive supported employment services. By combining an individualized planning process and a highly personalized set of supports, along with the creative and flexible use of resources, we anticipate that individuals can attain positive employment outcomes. Each provider will receive funding via a five-year contract to serve a specific number of individuals. It is expected that the individuals enrolled will initially need high levels of support that will significantly diminish over time to lower levels of support. Potential participants may have multiple disabilities and barriers to employment. As each individual becomes more independent at work, we anticipate that the need for enhanced supported employment services will decrease. Individuals selected for participation in this initiative must be enrolled in the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver prior to the implementation of services. The project is designed to serve people who are unable to access the employment supports needed to secure and maintain employment due to the intense and prolonged nature of the services needed. Proposals should be developed for individuals who desire community employment and are in one or more of the following groups:
    - People who wish to move from congregate day programs such as sheltered employment, pre-vocational and day habilitation.
    - Recent high school graduates who have been unable to secure and/ or maintain community employment.
    - People who live at home and do not receive any services during the day.
    - People who have not been able to be served in traditional employment models.
    - People who have previous SEMP experience in which there were unable to receive sufficient supports to experience success.
    Questions must be submitted in writing to Mr. Dan Wrensen no later than 3:00 p.m. on 10/7/08 by fax at 585-241-5730 or by mail at Finger Lakes DDSO, 620 Westfall Road, Suite 108, Rochester, NY 14620.
    Interested applicants may attend a bidder's conference that will be held on September 29, 2008 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Buckland Park Lodge, Buckland Park, 1341Westfall Road, Rochester, NY 14618.
    Important Note: For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please submit a request by fax or mail to Mr. Dan Wrensen, Finger Lakes DDSO, 620 Westfall Road, Suite 108, Rochester, NY 14620 or at fax number (585) 241-5730. This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the information necessary to provide a complete response to the RFP.
    Long Island DDSO 45 Mall Drive, Suite 1 Commack, NY 11725
    Enhanced Supported Employment Pilot Project “RFP”
    Request for Proposals (RFP) for OMRDD "ENHANCED SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PILOT PROJECT" (September 2008). This pilot program is designed to promote innovative employment strategies to assist people with developmental disabilities who may require additional supports to acquire and retain employment in the community.
    Eligible Applicants: Must be incorporated in New York State as a not-for-profit corporation and authorized to provide Home and Community Based Waiver Services for individuals with mental retardation and developmental disabilities.
    Proposals due to the Long Island DDSO (Attn. Ms. Elizabeth Cambra) by 4:00 PM on December 19, 2008.
    For questions please contact: Long Island DDSO contacts: Elizabeth Cambra (Fiscal) (631) 493-1812, Joanne Danner (Program) (631) 493-3254
    Important Note: For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact (Elizabeth Cambra) at (631) 493-1812. This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the necessary information to respond to the RFP.
    The Long Island Regional Office of the State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities announces the availability of funding to Enhanced Supported Employment to eligible voluntary provider agencies.
    The total funding available for the Long Island DDSO is $1,274,000 to serve a minimum of 67 individuals.
    Metro New York DDSO (Bronx) 75 Morton Street New York, NY 10014
    Enhanced Supported Employment Pilot Project “RFP”
    Request for Proposals (RFP) for OMRDD "ENHANCED SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PILOT PROJECT" (September 2008). This pilot program is designed to promote innovative employment strategies to assist people with developmental disabilities who may require additional supports to acquire and retain employment in the community.
    Eligible Applicants: Must be incorporated in New York State as a not-for-profit corporation and authorized to provide Home and Community Based Waiver Services to people with mental retardation/developmental disabilities.
    Proposals due to the DDSO Attn. Yvonne Anglero (address above) by 4:00 PM on December 19, 2008.
    Important Note: For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact MaryAnn Bamberger at (718) 893-0722. This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the necessary information to respond to the RFP.
    The Metro New York DDSO of the State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities announces the availability of funding to Enhanced Supported Employment funding to eligible voluntary provider agencies.
    Metro NY DDSO's (Bronx) resource allocation is $1,006,200 with a minimum of 53 opportunities.
    Important: For questions please contact MaryAnn Bamberger at (718) 893-0722
    Important Note: For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact MaryAnn Bamberger at (718) 893-0722. This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the information necessary to provide a complete response to the RFP.
    Metro New York DDSO (Manhattan) 75 Morton Street New York, NY 10014
    Enhanced Supported Employment Pilot Project “RFP”
    Request for Proposals (RFP) for OMRDD "ENHANCED SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT PILOT PROJECT " (September 2008). This pilot program is designed to promote innovative employment strategies to assist people with developmental disabilities who may require additional supports to acquire and retain employment in the community.
    Eligible Applicants: Must be incorporated in New York State as a not-for-profit corporation and authorized to provide Home and Community Based Waiver Services to people with mental retardation/developmental disabilities.
    Proposals due to the DDSO Attn. Yvonne Anglero (address above) by 4:00 PM on December 19, 2008.
    Important Note: For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact Tom Mannion at (212) 229-3114. This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the necessary information to respond to the RFP.
    The Metro New York DDSO of the State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities announces the availability of funding to Enhanced Supported Employment funding to eligible voluntary provider agencies.
    Metro NY DDSO's (Manhattan) resource allocation is $670,800 with a minimum of 35 opportunities.
    Important: For questions please contact Tom Mannion at (212) 229-3114.
    Important Note: For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact Tom Mannion at (212) 229-3114. This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the information necessary to provide a complete response to the RFP.
    Staten Island Developmental Disabilities Services Office 1150 Forest Hill Road Building 46A Staten Island, NY 10314
    Enhanced Supported Employment Pilot Project “RFP”
    Request for Proposals (RFP) for OMRDD "ENHANCED SUPORTED EMPLOYMENT PILOT PROJECT " (September 2008). This pilot program is designed to promote innovative employment strategies to assist people with developmental disabilities who may require additional supports to acquire and retain employment in the community.
    Eligible Applicants: Must be incorporated in New York State as a not-for-profit corporation and authorized to provide Home and Community Based Waiver Services to the mentally retarded/developmentally disabled.
    Proposals due to the Staten Island Developmental Disabilities Services Office (Attn. Ms. Christine Grova) by 4:00 PM on December 19, 2008.
    Important Note: For a copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact Christine Grova at (718) 983-5217. This "announcement" does NOT supply all of the necessary information to respond to the RFP.
    The Staten Island Developmental Disabilities Services Office of the State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities announces the availability of funding to Enhanced Supported Employment funding to eligible voluntary provider agencies.
    The total funding available for the Staten Island DDSO is $379,261 to serve a minimum of 20 individuals.
    Important: For questions please contact Christine Grova at 718) 983-5217.
    Sunmount Developmental Disabilities Service Office 2445 State Route 30 Tupper Lake, NY 12986
    Enhanced Supported Employment Pilot Project “RFP”
    Total funding available = $321,000 to serve a minimum of 20 individuals with developmental disabilities.
    The New York State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (NYSOMRDD) and the Sunmount Developmental Disabilities Service Office (Sunmount DDSO) announces the availability of funding to promote innovative employment strategies to assist individuals with developmental disabilities who may require additional supports to acquire and retain employment in the community.
    Eligible Applicants: must be incorporated in New York State as a not-for-profit corporation and authorized to provide Home and Community-Based Waiver Services (HCBS) to the mentally retarded/developmentally disabled.
    Proposals are due to the Sunmount Developmental Disabilities Service Office (Attn: Mr. Edward Walker) by 4:30 PM on December 19, 2008.
    Important Note: This “announcement” does NOT supply all of the information necessary to provide a complete response to the RFP. For a copy of the Request for Proposal (RFP) which provides comprehensive proposal preparation instructions, please contact Mr. Edward Walker at: Sunmount DDSO, 2445 State Route 30, Tupper Lake, NY 12986, phone (518) 359-2962, email:
    80 Wolf Road, Suite 501 Albany, NY 12205
    Alternative-to-Incarceration (ATI) and Re-entry Services Programs
    DPCA has announced the availability to fund service providers from across the state that provide Alternative-to-Incarceration (ATI) and re-entry services programs. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is seeking applications to fund the following program/services types up to $200,000 each:
    • Programs serving the felony jail or prison-bound population, and/or
    • programs which increase the effectiveness of existing ATI programs as an effective alternative to jails or prison, and/or
    • programs designed to assist those returning to the communities from prison.
    Programs may provide services to a criminal justice population that helps connect them to mentoring, vital mental health and substance abuse treatment including treatment for co-occurring disorders, expanded job training and placement services, and transitional housing and case management services in order to promote a reduction in recidivism and increase success among the ATI population served and the recently released offender.
    The total annual amount of funds available through this RFP is $200,000 for each year of operation. The contract term shall be for five (5) years, with four one year renewals and subject to the annual appropriation of funds. Start-up is anticipated on or about January 1, 2009. No cash match commitment is required for the use of these state funds. However, project administrative expenses shall not exceed 15% of the proposed operating project budget. Capital construction is excluded from budgetary consideration.
    Service providers eligible to apply include public agencies or private not-for profit organizations within New York State that currently provide probation or alternatives-to-incarceration programs.
    Applications will be accepted through Friday, October 10, 2008, 4 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. RFP application materials are available on DPCA's website: For additional information, contact NYS Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives (DPCA): Yvonne Behan, Community Corrections Representative III at (518) 485-5160 or Marlena Alford, DPCA Director of Finance, NYS Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives (DPCA) at (518) 485-5145.

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