Part 25. Career Service  

22 CRR-NY A I A 25 Notes
Sec. 25.1. Application
Sec. 25.2. Intent
Sec. 25.3. [Repealed]
Sec. 25.4. General provisions
Sec. 25.5. Classification and allocation
Sec. 25.6. [Repealed]
Sec. 25.7. Classified service
Sec. 25.8. Exempt class
Sec. 25.9. Noncompetitive class
Sec. 25.10. Labor class
Sec. 25.11. Competitive class
Sec. 25.12. Private institutions or enterprises acquired by Unified Court System
Sec. 25.13. Applications and examinations
Sec. 25.14. Filling vacancies by open competitive examination
Sec. 25.15. Filling vacancies by promotion examinations
Sec. 25.16. Equal employment opportunity
Sec. 25.17. Duration of an eligible list
Sec. 25.18. Establishment of a continuing eligible list
Sec. 25.19. Certification of eligibles
Sec. 25.20. Appointment or promotion of eligibles
Sec. 25.21. Oath of office
Sec. 25.22. Probation
Sec. 25.23. Temporary and emergency appointments
Sec. 25.24. Contingent permanent appointments
Sec. 25.25. Provisional appointments
Sec. 25.26. Transfers and reassignments
Sec. 25.27. Incapacitated employees
Sec. 25.28. Resignations
Sec. 25.29. Removal or disciplinary action
Sec. 25.30. Abolition or reduction of positions
Sec. 25.31. Establishment of preferred lists
Sec. 25.32. Credits and preferences for veterans or disabled veterans
Sec. 25.33. Transfer of veterans or exempt volunteer firemen upon abolition of positions
Sec. 25.34. Duties of public officers with respect to this Part
Sec. 25.35. Reports of appointing authorities; official roster
Sec. 25.36. Certification of payrolls
Sec. 25.37. [Repealed]
Sec. 25.38. [Repealed]
Sec. 25.39. [Repealed]
Sec. 25.40. [Repealed]
Sec. 25.41. Review procedure for classification established by the May 28, 1979 classification plan
Sec. 25.42. [Repealed]
Sec. 25.43. [Renumbered]
Sec. 25.44. [Renumbered]
Sec. 25.45. [Renumbered]