Sec. 2.19. Utensils and equipment—storage—Item 12r  

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  • Utensils and equipment shall meet the following storage requirements:
    (a) All milk containers, utensils and equipment, including milking machine vacuum hoses, are stored in the milkhouse in a sanitizing solution, or on racks, until used. Milk pipelines and pipeline milking equipment such as: milker claws, inflations, weigh jars, meters, milk hoses, milk receivers and milk pumps which are designed for mechanical cleaning may be mechanically cleaned, sanitized and stored in the milking barn or parlor provided this equipment is designed, installed and operated to protect the product and solution-contact surface from contamination at all times. Some of the parameters to be considered in determining protection are: proper location of equipment, proper drainage of equipment and adequate and properly located lighting and ventilation. The milking barn or parlor must be used only for milking. Concentrates may be fed in the barn during milking but the barn shall not be used for the housing of cattle. When manual cleaning of product-contact surfaces is necessary, the cleaning shall be done in the milkhouse.
    (b) Means are provided to effect complete drainage of equipment when such equipment cannot be stored to drain freely.
    (c) Clean cans or other containers are stored in the milkhouse within a reasonable time after delivery to the dairy farm.
    (d) Strainer pads, parchment papers, gaskets and similar single-service articles are stored in a suitable container or cabinet and protected against contamination.